
You will be able to choose one of three types of projects, these will have different requirements regarding previous skills, and time commitment. In the past we have had teams with "free riders" who were not carrying their weight, leading to dissatisfaction and demotivation of contributing team members. We therefore encourage you to be upfront, and tell your colleagues how much work you want to invest in your project. The more you do, the more you will learn, but this also takes more time beyond the official requirements. Skills required for the different projects are:

  • Software development
  • Statistics
  • Web design/Information visualization
  • Community building/Marketing/Product design

Coolhunting Projects


  • Software development (medium),
  • Statistics (medium),
  • Web design (medium),
  • Community building (low),
  • Level of difficulty (low to intermediate)

Psychohistory - Membership in Virtual Tribes - Hongkong's Global Awareness

Using the emotion tracking features of the new tribefinder tool try to identify prevalent emotions in different tribes talking about the ongoing Hongkong unrest, training the system with Twitter profiles, YouTube comments, and Reddit comments. In particular, look at Twitter comments from along the spectrum in Hongkong trying to influence the World's public opinion about the current unrest.

Psychohistory - Predicting Donald Trump, Republicans and Democrats

Using the collected tweets of Donald Trump, predict his mood of tomorrow, and for the next week, by calculating the honest signals, and tribal allocations from this tweets. Build his personal horoscope, using deep learning and LSTM, by calculating the time series of these values, and predicting them for tomorrow and the following week.

Alternatively extend the analysis on social media to understand the characteristics of social media participants on the opposite ends of the political spectrum, radical Democrats compared to radical Republicans.

Social Impact Score instead of Market Capitalization

Develop a better way of measuring the (social) value of a company than using its market capitalization. Using the tribefinder, measure all constituents (shareholders + stakeholders) of a company, including it employees, suppliers, customers, and the environments, and develop a score that tracks the social impact of the company.

Finding the Tribes of Climate Change Supporters and Deniers

Using a dataset provided by Harvard with 39 million tweets about climate change find the radicals in the discourse using TribeFinding, check if they form clusters by SNA, but most importantly - follow up on their accounts and make an analysis of what sources do they link to in their other tweets. This way we could make a point about echo-logy of their echo chamber, and understand how they construct knowledge better.

Tracking the Revision of History

In earlier work we have found that contemporary historians have huge influence on later historical interpretation of the past, for instance the positive reputation of Julius Cesar and Augustus was cemented by Roman historian Livy. In more recent cases of revisionism, Croatian Wikipedians tried to eliminate traces of the far-right past in the Nazi era in Wikipedia, see

This project is about identifying similar cases and trace their treatment in Wikipedia. The goal is to show the evolution of historical understanding of past historical events based on events in the present. For instance, the Anti-Vaxxers base their belief that vaccination causes autism on one single paper, which was later show to be statistically insignificant. The same happens with theories like communism or capitalism, which over the course of history are seen in positive and negative light.

Prediction Projects


  • Software development (high),
  • Statistics (high),
  • Web design (low),
  • Community building (low),
  • Level of difficulty (high)

Creating a Condor API for importing Ticket Boards

Develop a fetcher for importing data from ticket boards, used for project management (e.g. JIRA, Trello). This could be used to analyze different actors in a project (i.e. this project) based on their influence, sentiment and so on.

Afterwards, comparing analysis results between different projects could lead to identifying possible causes, which contribute to more (or less) successfull projects.

Psychohistory 2.0 - Collective Horoscope - Predicting tomorrow's mood from yesterday's

We found that the honest signals of e-mail of a person predict their happiness tomorrow, and the next week. Build a horoscope that every day gives you a prediction of the collective mind for tomorrow and the coming week, based on News, Twitter, Reddit using deep learning and LSTM. The horoscope can either be a Web browser app, or a smartphone app.

Measuring Mood and Emotions through Body Signals of Jazz Musicians

Using our happimeter smartwatch body sensing system, plus the face emotion tracking system both developed by our team, predict individual mood based on body signals and body language, by sensors of the smartwatch, emotion detection in faces and in sound of voices, and other signals. You will have to use and learn tensorflow/keras and other deep learning systems for this. We are working with the organizer of the Jazzaar festival to measure emotions of student Jazz musicians through the happimeter, expert Jazz musicians through the happimeter, and their audience through face recognition.

Measuring the Happiness of Plants

Using latest results from the International Laboratory in Plant Neurobiology, build a plant sensing system using electric sensors which is capable of tracking the perception of plants and their communication with their environment measuring their signaling in their chemical and physical communication gateways. We are working with the Fintan foundation who uses biodynamic principles to communicate with plants, and measure the action potential of vegetables like beans to track human-plant interaction using the spiker box.

Measuring Emotions of Dogs and Horses through their Body Language

Extend the facial emotion reading system for dogs, developed in the COINs seminar of spring 2019, build a system on Android that labels the emotions of dogs or horses that you look at, based on their body language. You will have to collect libraries of labeled pictures of dogs or horses, where experts will have to agree on the emotion of the animal. For instance a wagging tail of a dog is correlated with joy.

We are working with horse researchers at University of Oklahoma that have decades of experience studying horse emotions.

Final Paper

The final paper should be 10 to 20 pages, plus references, coolhunting results, and code snippets when appropriate. The total number of pages also depends on the type of project, for a coolhunting project, the paper is typically longer, for a system development project, it can be shorter and basically just describe the system, for a statistics project it should document the main insights. Paper writing tips are in the presentation here.

Final Paper Structure:

  1. introduction - what is the problem
  2. related work - what have others done so far
  3. hypotheses - what are we trying to prove or disprove
  4. method - how are we doing it
  5. results - what have we found
  6. discussion - how does it compare to what others have already found
  7. weaknesses of the research, and possible future work
COINs19_20_Paasivaara_Tips for groupwork.pdf
Slack GraphExport.pdf