Getting to Know Our Partners
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Quito, Ecuador
Meet your instructors!
Student Group Activities
Ice Breaker
Whole group activity
Form of communication to be used for student group connection in between sessions
Breakout Room Discussion
Small groups work together to get to know one another and review project details
Ice Breaker Activity - Whole Group
Breakout Groups
Get to know each other! Share your names, a little about yourself, what you are going to school for, what you want to do one day after graduation.
Share about your practicum placement. Where is it, what age are the children, etc.
Share contact information via WhatsApp
Review Project overview and rubric. Identify 3 questions your group wants to investigate.
Each student complete the exit form here.
Student Pre-Survey
UF students - complete survey sent to you via email
Wrap Up
Next meeting: 3/8/2023 2:30pm-4:00pm
Tasks for preparation:
identify your group's 3 questions you will focus on
collect artifacts to support your investigation of the 3 questions (photos from practicum settings, observation notes, work samples, etc.)
bring artifacts to share for next COIL group meeting.