UFL-USFQ Virtual Exchange Project

Session 2 

3/8/23 2:30-4:00pm

Be prepared with: 

Remember that any photos or student work samples should be de-identified and not include pictures or references of children in classrooms


Welcome back and ice breaker

Questions for the group

Small group workout time in breakout rooms

Exit ticket

Ice breaker

You will be placed in breakout rooms for round robin style discussion. Breakout rooms will be 5 mins each with one question per room for a total of 3 rotations. 

Breakout 1: Which Disney character do you identify most with? Why? 

Breakout 2: When was the last time, you did something for the first time? What did you do? How was your experience?  

Breakout 3: If you had a time machine would you choose to go back in time or visit the future? Why?

Small group work time

Identify someone to take notes for your group

All: Share your artifacts collected that coincide with the 3 questions your group has identified to explore

Notetaker: take notes on the exit ticket questions as your group talks

All: begin work on the presentation

Exit Ticket

Notetaker will submit the the exit ticket on behalf of your group: https://forms.gle/oDQaoRDXPDx61N9CA 

Session #3

4/10/23 2:30-4:00pm (Quito) 3:30-5:00pm (EST)

Be prepared with: 

Remember that all group members will be expected to contribute equally to the creation of the presentation and speak during the presentation.