Program Committee

  • Dora Alexopoulou - University of Cambridge (UK)
  • Afra Alishahi - Tilburg University (The Netherlands)
  • Colin Bannard - University of Liverpool (UK)
  • Laurent Besacier - LIG - University Grenoble Alpes (France)
  • Yevgeny Berzak - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
  • Philippe Blache - LPL, CNRS (France)
  • Barry Devereux - University of Cambridge (UK)
  • Emmanuel Dupoux - ENS - CNRS (France)
  • Afsaneh Fazly - University of Toronto (Canada)
  • Richard Futrell - MIT (USA)
  • Raquel Garrido Alhama - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (Spain)
  • Tim O'Donnel - McGill University (Canada)
  • Igor Malioutov - Bloomberg (USA)
  • Muntsa PadrĂ³ - Eloquant (France)
  • David Powers - Flinders University (Australia)
  • Ari Rappoport - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
  • Sabine Schulte im Walde - University of Stuttgart (Germany)
  • Mark Steedman - University of Edinburgh (UK)
  • Remi van Trijp - Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris (France)
  • Charles Yang - University of Pennsylvania (USA)