Colorado Genetic Counselors Symposium

The Colorado Genetic Counselors Symposium began in 2013 with an aim to provide an educational review of genetic counseling topics on a semi-annual basis to counselors in Colorado.  Presentations are given by practicing genetic counselors and physicians actively involved in the local genetic counseling community.  

Since 2013 we have hosted over 20 conferences providing >175 hours of education.

Spring symposium - Friday May 10, 2024

Details and registration information available here

Thank you to our sponsors for supporting this event!

CO GC Symposium Agenda 5.10.24.pdf

Presentation slides available here (if shared by presenters):

10:30am Katie Angione, MS, CGC


1:45pm Elizabeth Rountree, MBA



We are always looking for presenters and new topics relevant to the field of Genetic Counseling!

If you are interested in presenting at a future symposium, please let us know!  

Email us to discuss.

Colorado Genetic Counselor Symposium Co-Directors 

Click on photo for link to full profile

Melissa Gibbons, MS, CGC

Susan Howell, MBA, MS, CGC

Leslie McCallen, MS, CGC