Submission information

Submissions must be anonymized, conform to the style sheet of the main conference (1), and be submitted via the AACL-IJCNLP website (2), which assumes that you have an account with the START system (3).

Papers should be in one of the following two formats:

  1. Long papers (8 content pages + references) should report on solid and finished research including new experimental results, resources, and/or techniques.

  2. Short papers (4 content pages + references) should report on small experiments, focused contributions, negative results, ongoing research, and/or philosophical discussion.

In case of acceptance, authors are granted an extra page to address the reviewers' comments. Also, (within reasonable limits) there is no limitation concerning the number of pages containing references.

Please, don't forget to signal whether your paper is long or short. The decisions concerning oral or poster presentations of the selected papers will be taken by the PC chairs. In the workshop proceedings, no distinction will be made between posters and papers presented orally.

Concerning multiple submissions: given the fact that our deadlines overlap with several other conferences, we allow for double submission, provided that the authors inform us at submission time.