Workshop Program
Monday, May 20, 2024
For summaries see:
9:00–10:15 Introduction and Keynote Speech
9:00–9:15 Introduction
Michael Zock
9:15–10:15 Keynote Speech (50' Presentation) + (10' Question & Answers)
Gilles-Maurice de Schryver.
Fine-tuning LLMs for lexicography.
10:15–10:40 Oral Presentations 1 (20' Presentation) + (5' Question & Answers)
Werner Winiwarter.
CLAVELL - Cognitive Linguistic Annotation and Visualization Environment for Language Learning
10:40–11:00 Coffee Break ☕️
11:00–12:00 Poster Session: 'onsite posters' and 'online posters', run in parell
Onsite posters
Markus J. Hofmann, Markus T. Jansen, Christoph Wigbels, Benny Briesemeister and Arthur M. Jacobs.
Individual Text Corpora Predict Openness, Interests, Knowledge, and Level of Education.
Svenja Kenneweg, Brendan Balcerak Jackson, Joerg Deigmoeller, Julian Eggert and Philipp Cimiano.
An Empirical Study on Vague Deictic Temporal Adverbials.
Hani Guenoune and Mathieu Lafourcade.
Symbolic Learning of Rules for Semantic Relation Types Identification in French Genitive Postnominal Prepositional Phrases.
Špela Vintar, Mojca Brglez and Aleš Žagar.
How Human-Like Are Word Associations in Generative Models? An Experiment in Slovene.
Irene Pagliai.
Idiom Complexity in Apple-Pie Order: The Disentanglement of Decomposability and Transparency.
Simon De Deyne, Chunhua Liu and Lea Frermann.
Can GPT-4 Recover Latent Semantic Relational Information from Word Associations? A Detailed Analysis of Agreement with Human-annotated Semantic Ontologies.
Bernard A. J. Jap, Yu-Yin Hsu, Lavinia Salicchi and Yu Xi Li.
What’s in a Name? Electrophysiological Differences in Processing Proper Nouns in Mandarin Chinese.
Iuliia Zaitova, Irina Stenger, Muhammad Umer Butt and Tania Avgustinova.
Cross-Linguistic Processing of Non-Compositional Expressions in Slavic Languages.
Ludovica Cerini, Alessandro Bondielli and Alessandro Lenci.
Representing Abstract Concepts with Images: An Investigation with Large Language Models.
Vadim A. Porvatov, Carlo Strapparava and Marina Tiuleneva.
Big-Five Backstage: A Dramatic Dataset for Characters Personality Traits & Gender Analysis.
Yulia Zinova, Ruben van de Vijver and Anastasia Yablokova.
Interaction of Semantics and Morphology in Russian Word Vectors.
Vladislav Ivanovich Zubov and Elena Riekhakaynen.
Listen, Repeat, Decide: Investigating Pronunciation Variation in Spoken Word Recognition among Russian Speakers.
Michael M. Flor.
Three Studies on Predicting Word Concreteness with Embedding Vectors.
Online posters: 15' each (12' presentation + 3' Question and Answers)
Seohyun IM and Chungmin Lee.
What GPT-4 Knows about Aspectual Coercion: Focused on "Begin the Book"?
Bram van Dijk, Max J. van Duijn, Li Kloostra, Marco Spruit and Barend Beekhuizen.
Using Language Models to Unravel Semantic Development in Children’s Use of Perception Verbs
Emese K. Molnár and Andrea Dömötör.
The Mental Lexicon of Communicative Fragments and Contours: The Remix N- gram Method.
12:00–12:50 Oral Presentations 2 (20' Presentation) + (5' Question & Answers)
Erica Biagetti, Martina Giuliani, Silvia Zampetta, Silvia Luraghi and Chiara Zanchi.
Combining Neo-Structuralist and Cognitive Approaches to Semantics to Build Wordnets for Ancient Languages: Challenges and Perspectives.
Yuhan Xia, Qingqing Zhao, Yunfei Long, ge xu and Jia Wang.
SensoryT5: Infusing Sensorimotor Norms into T5 for Enhanced Fine-grained Emotion Classification.
12:50–13:00 Conclusion
Michael Zock