
+ possible topics

The goal of this workshop is to provide builders and users of lexical resources (researchers in NLP, psychologists, computational lexicographers) a forum to share their knowledge and needs concerning the construction, organization, and use of a lexicon by people (lexical access) and machines (NLP, IR, data mining). 

Put differently, we pursue both practical and theoretical goals: 

Like in the past, we invite researchers to address unsolved problems concerning the lexicon, by considering this time however also Large Language Models (LLMs). More precisely, we would like to gain insights concerning the potential of such models in building lexical resources and in addressing cognitive aspects of the lexicon. 

We solicit contributions including, but not limited to, the topics listed below, topics, which can be considered from any of the following points of view: 

Possible Topics

The potential of Large Language Models

Organization, i.e., structure of the lexicon

The meaning of words and how to reveal it

Analysis of the conceptual input given by a dictionary user 

Methods for crafting dictionaries or indexes

Creation of new types of dictionaries

Dictionary access (navigation and search strategies), interface issues