HTML Interview Questions | HTML 5 questions and answers

One of the major shift which has been observed in this COVID pandemic is that businesses are moving from their brick and mortar stores to online stores. People are going for an online presence in every type of business. These factors are thriving in IT industries even in this unprecedented crisis. IT professionals are in high demand, and those involved in site development are selling their skills like a hot cake.

If you are also among one of the HTML professionals who is involved in web development and looking for a job change. We can help you in preparing for your job interview. We have curated a list of HTML interview questions, which can help you brush up your HTML fundamentals while preparing for a job interview. This list covers all aspects and is suitable for freshers as well as experienced candidates.

We are covering some of the key questions here, If you want to be sure with your preparation and take a look on every aspect of HTML before appearing in an interview. You can visit our HTML Interview Questions for extensive questions and answers on HTML5.

1. What are the types of HTML tags?

Generally, HTML tags are of two types: paired tag and unpaired tag. The paired tags are largely used and have both open <> as well as </> close tags.

Examples of paired tags are:

<p>This is a paragraph tag</p>

<h1>This is a heading tag</h1>

Unpaired tags have only one opening tag <>.

Examples of unpaired tags are:

<br>: it is an acronym for break line and as name suggests it breaks the line of code.

<hr>: it’s an acronym for horizontal rule and used to put a line across the web page.

2. Name the list tags which are used to design a web page?

With the help of HTML different types of lists can be created. These are categorized in to these category. These can help in creating an orderly webpage.

  • Ordered list: <ol>….</ol>
  • Unordered list: <ul>….</ul>
  • Description list: <dl>….</dl>

They are other related tags also:

  • Menu: <menu>….</menu>
  • Directory: <dir>….</dir>

All these tags can be used to compose a web page.

3. What are different types of list? Make two types of list containing the following grocery items like.

Eggs, Bread, Ghee, flour, Milk.[sc1]

Lists can be categorized into three types in HTML. These are:

Ordered lists: (ol) – These are the numbered lists as each elements in this is numbered.

Unordered lists: (ul)- These are bulleted lists, as each element is bulleted.

Definition lists: (dl)- These are the lists which can be used for defining an object. It usually contains series of items along with their definition.





<title>HTML Interview Questions</title>



<h1>Ordered Lists</h1>








<h1>Unordered Lists</h1>











4. How can we create links within the same page?

We can create links with <a> tag, with referencing by the use of the number (#) symbol.

For instance, you can have one line as <a href="#abc.html">.

It creates a link to the page abc.html, which in turn means that upon clicking this link, page abc.html will open.

5. What is the HTML form?

HTML forms are used to make the website interactive. These are very essential elements of HTML and are used to gather inputs from the user. The user input the data with the help of HTML form. This data is processed further as per the requirement. This data us usually stored in the database for processing. General HTML form collects data like email, address, name and telephone no. etc.

Its syntax starts from <form> tag and ends with </form> tag.

6. What is the role of the autocomplete attribute in HTML5?

The autocomplete attribute is very useful and make the HTML form more user-friendly. It is a functionality which is used while filling a form on a webpage. It allows the browser to predict and suggest the input to the user based upon the entries filled by user earlier. These suggestions are handy and enhance ease for a user. These values are based on the values inputted by user earlier.

The autocomplete works for the following input types: text, search, URL, telephone, email, password, date pickers, range, and color.

We all know the importance of preparation before an interview, as it gives a boost to your confidence while facing an interviewer. You can complete your preparation with the chosen list of Top HTML interview question with this. The list if curated with the help of industry experts working with well-acclaimed organizations. I hope you will find this very useful for in your preparation for an HTML interview.

Wishing you luck with your interview.