Lecture 7+8

Two important things:

I). This is AI for People's first Coding Class and we are sure there are a lot of things to be improved. Please share your honest feedback through the evaluation link that will be sent to you soon. The feedback is anonymous and we will use it to improve this class for future students.

II). AI for People is an official non-profit research organization. Donors and Sponsors are the financial backbone of our activities. As for the AI for People striving effort to be open, collaborative and inclusive, all the documents of the organization are openly accessible on our website.

Lecture 07 + 08

This is it! We have reached the end of the coding class! Hopefully, you have learned a lot by now and are eager to become a programmer. For the last two lectures, we will take everything we've learned into a more practical domain. In lecture 07 (Friday 5th of June, 5pm Berlin time), we will talk about projects! I'll show you some real-life applications of coding and I'll show you that with what you've learned you can now understand a lot more, when looking at someone's project.

Lecture 08 (Tuesday 9th of June, 5pm Berlin time) will feature a very, very brief introduction to Artificial Intelligence and a short overview of Machine Learning. Also, I'll provide you with some more free material to get you started with coding after this class.