Coding Class

Hello and welcome to the AI for People coding class.

Over the course of the next four weeks, we will have a look at the fundamentals of programming and we will get you started writing your own first few lines of code. Moreover, we will have a look at what code actually is, how you can understand it and how the computer makes sense of it. Although, we'll start coding with the easy-to-learn Python programming language, we'll have a brief overview of other programming languages. In the end, we'll see if we can get you started with your first programming project and the class will end with a brief conclusion on Artificial Intelligence.

Here is an overview of the basic information:

  • When: 15.05-05.06.2020 Fridays and Tuesdays 5-6.30pm (UTC+1)

  • What: Introduction to Programming (Syllabus) with Python

  • Who: Philipp Wicke

  • Prerequisites: None.

  • Fee: Donation base (all donations go to AI for People)

Here are some statement from previous participants:

"After several attempts at learning some form of programming, this is the first time I manage to get over the hump and establish some basic knowledge to build on. I feel I have been given the conceptual toolbox to grasp many of the challenges to come down the road - it's been rewarding, fun, and just the right amount of challenging."

"I really, really enjoyed it! I felt totally lost after week 3 though, and i'm still trying to catch up. Started from the scratch, I learned what is programming and part of its logic, it seems now more accessible. Eventough my brain still doesnt make some connection inbetween the various elements. But I loved each of the classes. Thank you so much for taking time to show us this. And preparing your classes. They were really well made, and I hope - and you should - that you will use them again for further classes, with other students maybe? And your memes are cool."

"Thank you so much, P.! Awesome course!"