Md Ruhul Amin
Software Engineer

A Competitive Programmer  &  Problems Solver


Coding Skill

Solved more than 500+ problems from different online judges. Mainly i  precise problems in Codeforces , CSES , Leetcode online judges. favourite  programming language is C++.In professional Field i work with node.js , PHP,Laravel Framework , JavaScript, Python, Apache Nifi.

 Problems Solving Profile

CodeForces Online Judge

Total Problems Solved : 318
Profile Link : 


Total Problems Solved: 33
Profile Link:


Total Problems Solved: 55
Profile Link:

Light OJ

Total Problems Solved: 30


Business Automation Ltd

Software Engineer
5th November 2022 - Present

Geographic information system Development

# Project Description:
After  uploading  different types  of  shape files on PostgreSQL database, the Mouza (a group of plots) can be displayed on  Open Street Map. Also the plots can be modified (Update plots , delete plots etc.). During the mutation operation on parent plot , the dynamic measurement is displayed. After the mutation the new child plots will be saved on database. Besides a parent plot can be splitted into n equal division . Auto Adjustment of Split operation can be done. Details Explained on video description.

# Github Repository Link :

# Video  Description:

#Programming Language :
-Nodejs , openlayers web mapper , leaflet, d3.js, turf.js, core  JavaScript
#Database :
Postgresql , PostGIS 

Flow Base Programming Development (Apache Nifi)

# Project Description:
- using apache nifi , JSON data can be write into postgresql database after invoking authorized API
- after parsing mail body , the mail headers including mail body converted to json and write in PostgreSQL database.

# Github Repository Link :
#Video  Description:

#Flowbase Programming Language :
-Apache  Nifi
#Database :

Bangladesh Ordnance Factories

Software Engineer
16th August 2021 - 4th November 2022

Software Development

# Projects Description:
-Developed  Inventory  Management System for BOF ICT-CELL.
-Developed Employee Task Schedular Application for BOF ICT-CELL Employees

# Github Repository Link :
-(Inventory Management System)
-(Employee Task Schedular System)
#Video  Description:
-(Inventory Management System)
-(Employee Task Schedular System)
#Programming Language :
-PHP,Laravel  Framework , HTML,CSS, JavaScript,JQUERY
#Database :

ERP Solution Development 

# Project Description:
-Worked with business analysts for custom ERP solutions project requirements & implementation. Used to do black box testing and maintain the quality control of the product.

#Video  Description: