Rahil Blog's

while (alive) {



                                                      repeat() }

A marketplace full of treasure for developers. Here, you can find awesome android libraries and many illegal apps that are not available on the Play store. Powered by "Clorabase"

An android library to implement Walkthrough / Introduction / OnBoarding screen to your app. Make your app cool using this library 

Don't have money ? Don't have time ? Dont't have knowledge of Firebase API ?

Uff, Now forgot Firebase ! & SMS gateways

Because I have build a simple & free API for that.

An instagram bot that can make your life easier or others harder by spamming their inbox. You can dump chats, send or unsend messages and can do lot more things using this bot. 

ClorastoreDB ~ Document oriented database

Clorastore is the world's second open-source document-oriented NoSQL android database followed by the CloremDB that is written in Java. This is similar to Cloud firestore and MongoDB 

SyncDB video tutorial

A modern No-SQL database written in Java. Alternate of SQLite (Android) & realm (MongoDB). The world's simplest database that is all about just one utility class. 

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