How Can You Make Your Headache Go Away Quickly?

In our daily life, most of us feel headaches. Sometimes, they make us restless. You start looking for ways to treat your headache when it makes you uncomfortable and hinder your personal or professional life. There is good news for you can do several things to ease the pain in your head. Here are some useful and effective steps for you:

Take medicines in moderate dosages

Usually, most of you prefer self-medication when you feel you have a headache. In self medication, you opt for taking Aspirin, Paracetamole, or Codeine Tablets. Some of these medicines can make you get habituated of them.

So, you must consult your doctor to know the moderate dosage of a pain killer, such as Codeine Phosphate 30mg. Always try to take moderate medicines to get rid of your headaches or any pain.

Apply a cold pack

You can opt for alternative treatment options when you decide not to go with medications to treat your headache. Applying a cold pack on your forehead is one of them. You can make a cold pack by wrapping ice cubes in a towel and placing frozen vegetables in a small bag. On your capability, you can take a cold shower. You can place your prepared cold pack on your forehead for 15 minutes and repeat the same after a break of 15 minutes.

Reduce the pressure on your scalp or head

Sometimes, you feel a headache when your ponytail is extremely tight. This tightness happens due to wearing a headband, a hat, and swimming goggles. These accessories cause you a headache when they are too tight on your head. Remove the hat/headband from your head when you feel it is making you restless.

Use a hot compress/heating pad

Before you apply a heating pad or hot compress, you need to know what is making you feel a headache. Place a heating pad on the back of the head or the neck if you have a headache due to tension. You can apply a warm cloth around the head part that hurts you if you feel a headache due to sinus. Having a warm shower can also work to ease your headache.

Dim the lights

Sometimes, flickering or bright light may cause you to have a headache. Constant work on computer/mobile screen is also prone to headaches. Cover your room windows/doors when you feel extreme day light is making you restless. Put on sunglasses while coming out from your home and use anti-glare screens if you use the computer/tablet/mobile for a more extended period.

Do meditation and take some caffeine

For permanent cure, you can start meditating and do it every day. Through meditation, you learn to be calm and cool. You have control over your emotions and lower the tension level. Further, you can drink a cup of hot coffee or tea to get instant relief from your headache.


A headache is a very common health issue, which occurs to most of you. Apart from medications, you can get rid of headaches by following the steps mentioned above.