A source-code editor is a text editor program designed specifically for editing source code of computer programs. It may be a standalone application or it may be built into an integrated development environment (IDE).

Source-code editors have characteristics specifically designed to simplify and speed up typing of source code, such as syntax highlighting, indentation, autocomplete and brace matching functionality. These editors also provide a convenient way to run a compiler, interpreter, debugger, or other program relevant for the software-development process. So, while many text editors like Notepad can be used to edit source code, if they don't enhance, automate or ease the editing of code, they are not source-code editors.

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Structure editors are a different form of source-code editor, where instead of editing raw text, one manipulates the code's structure, generally the abstract syntax tree. In this case features such as syntax highlighting, validation, and code formatting are easily and efficiently implemented from the concrete syntax tree or abstract syntax tree, but editing is often more rigid than free-form text. Structure editors also require extensive support for each language, and thus are harder to extend to new languages than text editors, where basic support only requires supporting syntax highlighting or indentation. For this reason, strict structure editors are not popular for source code editing, though some IDEs provide similar functionality.

A source-code editor can check syntax while code is being entered and immediately warn of syntax problems. A few source-code editors compress source code, typically converting common keywords into single-byte tokens, removing unnecessary whitespace, and converting numbers to a binary form. Such tokenizing editors later uncompress the source code when viewing it, possibly prettyprinting it with consistent capitalization and spacing. A few source-code editors do both.[citation needed]

The Language Server Protocol, first used in Microsoft's Visual Studio Code, allows for source code editors to implement an LSP client that can read syntax information about any language with a LSP server. This allows for source code editors to easily support more languages with syntax highlighting, refactoring, and reference finding.[1] Many source code editors such as Neovim[2] and Brackets[3] have added a built-in LSP client while other editors such as Emacs,[4] vim,[5] and Sublime Text[6] have support for an LSP Client via a separate plug-in.

Many source-code editors and IDEs have been involved in ongoing user arguments, sometimes referred to jovially as "holy wars" by the programming community.[14][better source needed] Notable examples include vi vs. Emacs and Eclipse vs. NetBeans. These arguments have formed a significant part of internet culture and they often start whenever either editor is mentioned anywhere.

Stay in your flow and complete tasks faster with the help of multi-line suggestions prompted by your code and code comments. Building new functionality, writing unit tests, and learning new technologies has never been easier or more fun.

The Visual Studio IDE is a creative launching pad that you can use to edit, debug, and build code, and then publish an app. Over and above the standard editor and debugger that most IDEs provide, Visual Studio includes compilers, code completion tools, graphical designers, and many more features to enhance the software development process.

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages and runtimes (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, .NET).

The client libraries provide JavaScript and Python wrapper functions for the Earth Engine API. You can use them to build custom applications and to develop Earth Engine code locally using a JavaScript or Python interpreter. The repository on GitHub includes a number of demos illustrating how to use the client libraries.

The Earth Engine (EE) Code Editor atcode.earthengine.google.com is aweb-based IDE for the Earth Engine JavaScript API. Code Editor features aredesigned to make developing complex geospatial workflows fast and easy. The CodeEditor has the following elements (illustrated in Figure 1):

Above the code editor are buttons for running the script, saving the script,resetting the output map and console, and getting a link to the script. When theGet Link button is pressed, a unique link will appear in the browser'saddress bar. This link represents the code in the editor at the time the buttonwas pressed.

The Scripts tab is next to the API Docs in the left panel of the CodeEditor. The Script Manager stores private, shared and example scripts inGit repositories hosted by Google. The repositories arearranged by access level, with your private scripts stored in a repository youown in the Owner folder: users/username/default. You (and only you) haveaccess to the repositories in the Owner folder unless you share them withsomeone else. The repositories in the Writer folder are repositories forwhich write access has been granted to you by their owner. You can add newscripts to, modify existing scripts in, or change access to (you may not removetheir owner) the repositories in the Writer folder. The repositories in theReader folder are repositories for which read access has been granted to youby their owner. The Examples folder is a special repository managed byGoogle which contains code samples. The Archive folder contains legacyrepositories to which you have access but have not yet been migrated by theirowner from an older version of the Script Manager. Search through your scriptsusing the filter bar at the top of the Scripts tab.

It's good practice to write modular, reusable code that can be shared betweenscripts without extensive copying and pasting. To enable modular development,Earth Engine provides the ability to share code between scripts. For example,suppose you write a function that performs a usefulset of operations. Rather than copy the code of the function into a new script,it's easier for the new script to load the function directly. To make a functionor object available to other scripts, you add it to a special object calledexports. To use the code in another script, use the require function to loadthe exports from another script. For example, suppose you define the followingmodule in a file named FooModule.js which is in a folder named Modules:

Code in the Editor can be shared via an encoded snapshot URL that gets createdupon clicking the "Get Link" button at the top of the Code Editor. When the URLis visited by someone with an Earth Engine account, the browser will navigate tothe Code Editor and replicate the environment as it was when the link wascreated, including code, imports, map layers, and map position. Clicking the"Get Link" button will automatically copy the script link to the clipboard.Additionally, a dialog box will appear providing options to control theexecution of the shared script, along with buttons to copy and visit thegenerated link. The control options include preventing the script fromautomatically running, and hiding the code pane when someone opens the sharedlink. The draggable dialog box can be dismissed via the "Esc" key or a clickelsewhere on the page.

The dropdown button to the right of the "Get Link" button has an option to"Manage Links". Clicking this option loads a new browser tab with an interfacefor you to recall, remove, and download previously generated script links.Selecting a script and pressing the download button will download a zippedfolder ("code_editor_links.zip") to your system containing a .txt filerepresentation for each selected script.

The results of importing datasets to your script are organized in an importssection at the top of your script, hidden until you import something. Once youhave created some imports, you should see something similar to Figure 5. To copyimports to another script, or convert the imports to JavaScript, click thesubject icon next to the Imports header and copy thegenerated code into your script. You can delete the import with thedeleteicon.

The profiler displays information about the resources (CPU time, memory)consumed by specific algorithms and other parts of a computation. This helps todiagnose why a script is running slowly or failing due to memory limits. To usethe profiler, click the Run with profiler option in the dropdown on the Runbutton. As a shortcut, hold down Alt (or Option on Mac) and click Run, or pressCtrl+Alt+Enter. This activates a Profiler tab on the right side of the codeeditor. As the script runs, the Profiler tab will display a table ofresource usage from the script. Clicking the Run button (without profiling)will make the Profiler tab disappear and disable the profiler.

To configure the way geometries are imported to your script, click thesettings icon next to the layer in the Geometry Importssection on the map or in the Imports section of the code editor. Thegeometry layer settings tool will be displayed in a dialog box which should looksomething like Figure 9. Note that you can import the drawn shapes asgeometries, features or feature collections. The geometry import settings alsoallow you to change the color with which the layer is displayed, add propertiesto the layer (if it is imported as a Feature or FeatureCollection) or renamethe layer. ff782bc1db

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