I am trying to use Apache PDFBOX v2.0.21 to modify existing PDF documents, adding signatures and annotations. That means that I am actively using incremental save mode. I am also embedding LiberationSans font to accommodate some Unicode characters. It makes sense for me to use the subsetting feature of PDF embedded fonts as embedding LiberationSans in full makes the PDF file around 200+ KB more in side.

After looking through the source code, I get and I guess that I am messing something up when creating the appearance stream - somehow it's not connected with the PDDocument and the subsetting does not continue normally. Note that the above code works well when the font is embedded fully (i.e. if I call PDType0Font.load with the last parameter set to false)

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Believe it or not, but the document was saved correctly - at least it appears correct in Acrobat Reader DC and Chrome & Firefox PDF viewers. Note that Unicode codepoints are added to the subset for the font during showText() on appearance content stream.

UPDATE 18/04/2021: as I mentioned in the comments, I got reports from users that started seeing messages like "Cannot extract the embedded font XXXXXX+LiberationSans-Regular from ...", when they opened the modified PDF files. Strangely enough, I didn't see these messages during my tests. It turns out that my copy of Acrobat Reader DC was newer than theirs, and specifically with the continuous release version 2021.001.20149 no errors were shown, while with the continuous release version 2020.012.20043 the above message was shown.

After investigations, it turns out that the problem was with the way I was embedding the font. I am not aware if any other way exists, and I am not that familiar with the PDF specification to know otherwise. What I was doing, as you can see from the above code, was to load the font ONCE for the document, and then to use it freely in the resource dictionary of the appearance stream of EVERY annotation. This had as a result all the resource dictionaries of the annotation content streams to reference an F1 font that was defined with the SAME /BaseFont name. The PDF Reference, 3rd ed. on p.323 specifically states that:

"... the PostScript name of the font - ... - begins with a tagfollowed by a plus sign (+). The tag consists of exactly six uppercaseletters; the choice of letters is arbitrary, but different subsets inthe same PDF file must have different tags..."

Once I started to call PDType0Font.load for each of my annotations and calling subset() (and of course setNeedToBeUpdated) after creating appearance stream for each of them, I saw that the BaseName attributes started to look indeed differently - and indeed, the older 2020 version of Acrobat Reader DC stopped complaining.

[edit 07/10/2021: even trying to use a single PDFont object per page (having multiple annotations with this font), and subsetting it once, after having called showText on appearances of all annotations, appears to not work - it appears that the subsetting uses the letters I passed to the first showText, and not the others, resulting in wrong rendering of the 2nd, 3rd etc. annotations that might have characters that didn't exist in the 1st annotation - so I reiterate that what worked was to use loadFont for each separate annotation and then (after modifying appearance with showText, which will mark the letters to be used during subsetting) to call subset() on each of these fonts (which will result in the change of the font name)]

Note that other than using iText RUPS for inspecting the PDF contents, one could use Foxit PDF viewer to at least ensure that the subset font names are different. Acrobat Reader DC and PDF-xChange in Properties -> Fonts just show the initial font name, like LiberationSans, without showing the 6-letter unique prefix.

UPDATE 19/04/2021 I am still working on this issue - because I still get reports about the infamous "Cannot extract the embedded font" message. It is quite possible that the original cause of that message was not (or not only) the fact that the different subsets had same BaseFont names. One thing that I am observing is that on some computers, the stamp annotations that I am using cause Acrobat Reader DC to open automatically the so called "Comments pane" - there are options to turn this automatic thing off (Preferences -> Commenting -> Show comments pane when a PDF with comments is opened). When this pane opens, either manually or automatically, the error message appears (and I was on my wits ends to see why same version of Acrobat Reader DC behaves differently for different machines). I think that Acrobat Reader tries to extract the full version of the font and fails, since it is only a subset. But, I guess, this doesn't have to do with the semantic contents of the document - the document still passes "qpdf --check". I am currently trying to find if it is possible to restrict stamps to not allow comments - i.e. some way to disable the comments pane in Acrobat Reader DC, although I have little hope.

The special font subsets described here are based on version 5 of the fonts, not the current version. They should continue to work well. We do not currently plan to provide subsets based on version 6, as the need for subset fonts has been considerably reduced by current font and browser technology. If you have a particular need for any of these fonts to be updated to version 6 please contact us and describe your need.

Our font subset packages also contain .woff versions of our fonts. These are especially useful in the context of mobile phone and web usage. Further information on how to use .woff fonts can be found here: Using SIL Web Fonts on Webpages.

With the exception of the phonetic [Phon] font, the font subsets are intended for orthographic use only. We have not put anything in the other subsets for phonetic, transliteration, or transcription use. For those purposes, use the phonetic [Phon] subset font.

This guide explains how to use the Google Fonts API to add fonts to your webpages. You don't need to do any programming; all you have to do is add a specialstylesheet link to your HTML document, then refer to the font in a CSS style.

Requesting multiple fonts allows you to use all of those fonts in your page.(But don't go overboard; most pages don't need very many fonts, and requesting alot of fonts may make your pages slow to load.)

The Google Fonts API provides the regular version of the requested fonts bydefault. To request other styles or weights, append a colon (:) to the name ofthe font, followed by a list of styles or weights separated by commas (,).

Some of the fonts in the Google Font Directorysupport multiple scripts (like Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek for example). In orderto specify which subsets should be downloaded the subset parameter should beappended to the URL.

The Latin subset is always included if available and need not be specified.Please note that if a client browser supports unicode-range( =font-unicode-range)the subset parameter is ignored; the browser will select from the subsetssupported by the font to get what it needs to render the text.

In these cases, you should consider specifying a text= value in your fontrequest URL. This allows Google to return a font file that's optimized for yourrequest. In some cases, this can reduce the size of the font file by up to 90%.

When making headers or display texts on your website, you'll often want tostylize your text in a decorative way. To simplify your work, Google hasprovided a collection of font effects that you can use with minimal effort toproduce beautiful display text. For example:

To use this beta feature, simply add effect= to your Google FontsAPI request and add the corresponding class name to the HTML element(s) that youwant to affect. In our example above, we used the shadow-multiple font effect,so the request would look like:

To use the effect, add the corresponding class name to your HTML element(s). Thecorresponding class name is always the effect name prefixed with font-effect-,so the class name for shadow-multiple would be font-effect-shadow-multiple:

There are many more ways to style your fonts, and many things are possiblethrough CSS. We are simply providing a few ideas to get you started. For moreideas, try Google searching"css text effects" andbrowse through many of the ideas that are already on the web!

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Then we call it with two arguments. The first is a name, or array of names, for the icons that we want (without the fa- prefix). The second is where it should write the font files it's going to produce.

That's all there is to it! I have to admit I was expecting more difficulty when I started, but actually Grunt is designed nicely enough to make sense, and fontawesome-subset Just Works. I like packages like that.

This seems a new feature requirement however - you can please try using following code snippet and share your feedback with us if it fulfills your requirements. In case it does not, please share your sample PDF document with us so that we can further proceed to address the scenario accordingly.

Ok the code it works fine now thanks, but the four fonts go to the bottom of the typography add-on list so how we make the fonts go to the top and can we minimise and delete any google fonts from the list which not required so can speed the site.

I like fonts slim and clean, no unneeded overhead and other stuff. There are also currently a lot of programs and tools available to automatically subset fonts, but for all of them you need to provide a list, or array of characters which you want to keep at the end, basically which forms the subset. 2351a5e196

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