Daily QUests

Just by breaking quests or catching monsters

There is no sense that it is a little insufficient to collect the reward.

So in the world of Ragnarok Origin

You can solve various quests and receive corresponding rewards.

In this guide, we will inform you about the quest system and low-level quests!


You can proceed with the quest after you achieve Base Level 12 and complete the [Story] Night Red Dragon quest.

You can check various quests by tapping the quest icon in the upper right of the screen.

The quests that match the adventurer's base level are randomly exposed that day,

If you raise the base level, you can check more quests.

When receiving a quest, the quest ticket is consumed,

The upper limit of the quest ticket increases as the base level increases.

The number of quest tickets required to solve the quest is written on the banner of each quest.

If you tap the banner of each quest, you can check the detailed explanation and the rewards you can get.

Dexterity test

Run away from the objects thrown by the monsters and survive!

Avoid objects thrown by monsters for a limited time within the designated area.

You can get rewards.

Fountain Ball

You can dance at the Frontera Fountain Square and get rewards.

You can dance for 15 minutes by consuming 20 request tickets and 30 minutes by consuming 40 request tickets.

However, I cannot do other activities while dancing.

As more people dance in the fountain, you may see special buffs and effects.

Geffenia Ruins

Pick up a torch in the labyrinth and light the furnace.

The farther away from the furnace, the darker the screen becomes.

If you get closer to the furnace before dark, it brightens again.

If you light all 10 furnaces to avoid monsters and Thunder Storm, you will succeed !

Baekwoodan training

Baekwoodan has revealed some training quests that adventurers must complete.

When you receive the Whitewood Training quest, you have to complete 5 different quests.

Various quests are available, such as talking with NPCs or killing monsters in a specific field.

You can learn about training quests through the quest navigation window, so be sure to refer to them!

Scenery on the road

It is a quest achieved by shooting at a designated place.

Travel through all the regions by following the green arrow under the character's feet.

You can request help to your fellow adventurers to find the spot easily.

Find the location where the picture presented was taken.

If you shoot when the camera is lit green, you can achieve it!

Corporate Spy

It is a quest that can be received from Base level 16.

It is a request to follow the spy dispatched by the Church of Arunafelz to Frontera.

We need to keep a reasonable distance and monitor the spy's actions.

If you miss a goal or buy suspicion, you will fail, so you need to watch the warnings carefully.

Do not catch obstacles such as pigeons and follow them!

Test of Choir

It is a quest that can be received from Base level 20.

You can do this by yourself, or even if you have a party of 5 or less.

Adventurers must turn Rune Roulette and defeat the monsters of Rune Midgaz that appear.

You can get various rewards by completing a total of 3 rounds of exams.

The monsters that appear in the test of the chant are adjusted to suit your level

Anyone can easily challenge.

Monster test

It is a quest that can be received from Base level 20.

As the name suggests, you can kill the monster by the amount indicated.

However, adventurers, you have to defeat monsters higher than the base level.

Monsters that meet the conditions can be found through the encyclopedia,

You can also check recommended areas through the quest navigation.

Item collection

It is a quest that can be received from Base level 25.

Collecting items as the name suggests

You can accomplish this by collecting the requested item and giving it to you.

You can track the items you need through the quest navigation.

In the next guide, we will inform you about more various quests.