Status and Skill Reset

You added stat points to LUK instead of INT?

Or, you are trying something and added job points and pump up a wrong skill?

No worries, Ragnarok Origin provided a way for you to reset and start all over again.

Free Resets

When you first create your character, you will have 3 resets for both Stats and Skills.

Using this reset will give you the option to re-allocate the points to the correct one.

Reset after Preset Unlock

Unlocking the second stat preset and skill preset will instantly reset your stats and skill respectively.

This will give you option to add the build you would like to save into your second preset.

Reset using items

Skill Reset Stick

You can use this item to reset your skills. Just use it from your inventory and your skill will reset again.

Status reset Stone

You can use this item to reset your Stats. Just use it from your inventory and your skill will reset again.

Where can you get reset items?