
CocoSoft is the flagship of our software development. It's a free automation suite for instrument control, data acquisition and data processing.

CocoSoft is written in Python languaje, and is itself a wrapper around Python. It adds a graphic user interface, smart ways for creating, opening and saving analytical or preparative methods, options for executing and pausing these methods and several useful tools for developing new methods, as a serial terminal, log, plots, use of variables...

It supports VICI's microelectric and universal actuators, as M-series pump, Cavro pumps, Crison pumps and valves, AIM300 autosampler, CMA dialysis pumps, Cetac ASX samplers, Delta elektronika power supplies, Eutech multimeters, Hamamatsu photomultipliers, Ocean Optics photometers, Idex selectors and injectors, Labjack U12, Grbl-based CNC machines for use as autosamplers and Feather M0 and Trinket M0 boards for interfacing with different instrumental analysis equipments. You can download the last version from the link below.

Executable 7.2

Sourcecode 7.2

Last update 2nd May 2024 17:41