Coalinga Church of the Nazarene

610 W. Washington Street, Coalinga, CA. 93210 (559) 907-5048

email - * facebook -  @coalnaz *   

Youtube - coalinga nazarene

About Us...

1. We are a CHRISTIAN People, a HOLINESS People, a MISSIONARY People.

We BELIEVE in the Good News of CHRIST JESUS and enjoy SHARING His Great

Word within our COMMUNITY.


2. OUR Mission at Coalinga

Our mission at Coalinga Church of the Nazarene is ...

... helping people follow Jesus, living in Worship, Community, and Service


3. Community at Coalinga

1 John 1:3 - We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you

also may have fellowship (community) with us. And our fellowship

(community) is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit.


4. Why We Exist

Love God.

Loving God begins with our recognition of our sin and Christ’s death on the

cross that pays the penalty for our sin. We repent…ask God for forgiveness,

turn from our sin, and commit to follow Jesus (Acts 2:36-38). 

To love God is to know God and to obey God. We study His message to us

(the Bible), we talk with and listen to Him (in prayer), we seek to know His

will for our lives and follow His lead.

Live As A Family.

We gather weekly to sing, pray, learn from God’s Word, and give of our time

and treasure (Acts 2:42-47). We are family; we are teammates; we are

friends. That fact causes us to invest our time in serving, invest our finances

in supporting, and being involved in the mission of God. We “get in the game!”

The best way to do this is joining a Discipleship Group (Small Group) to

connect, learn to serve, and grow in the knowledge of God and relationship

with God.

Go Make Disciples.

We share our story and we share God’s story. We are intentional about living

and speaking the truth. We partner with God and respond to the physical,

emotional, and spiritual needs of people here and around the world (Acts

4:13).  God asks us to share our faith, our time, our resources, and our lives with those who don’t yet know him. We are to be intentional about reaching out to and serving the lost. All of us are missionaries / ambassadors of God and His kingdom.


5. We are partnered with Care and Connection Missionaries who are stationed throughout the world. For more

information about our current Care andn Connection missionaries and ministry.