Zoom call

COFIT-19 is a zoom call of max 40 minutes for all people who want to take care of their body, start the day in a positive mood with a bunch of friends, get rid of pain, and keep this to the minimum commitment. If you stick in for some time, you will get your six pack, combining it with a diet.

Seeing results in COFIT-19 is effortless, and effortless is powerful.

  • start the day with a positive mood

  • increase your self love and self esteem

  • get a six pack

I do this service to you because I believe the body is the most important asset of your life, and deserves daily attention. It is a vehicle to achieve everything else in life.

To get the link to the Zoom call, get access to the exclusive COFIT telegram group, please provide your email below (COFIT-19 registration).

Weekly schedule

May vary so please check on the Telegram group the times.

Monday 7:20 am - 7:55 am UPPER BODY

Tuesday 7:20 am - 7:55 am CORE + LOWER BODY

Wednesday 7:20 am - 7:55 am HANDSTAND

Thursday 7:20 am - 7:55 am BANDS

Friday 7:20 am - 7:55 am UPPER BODY

Saturday 10:00 am - 10:30 am CORE

Sunday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm STRETCHING