Right Doctor Coaching

Finding the right coach for your practice

Coaching is an investment in your own development. It takes time, energy, and commitment from both you and your coach. While the pay-off from coaching can be significant, it cannot happen if you try to do it on your own. It’s recommended that you work with a coach for at least six months. Coaching is a powerful way for physicians to grow and thrive in their careers. Whether you're looking for professional development via one-on-one sessions, group meetings or an online platform, a coach can help you identify opportunities to improve the quality of care and services you provide Doctors Coach.

Professional Coaching for Doctors

Working with Coach

When working with a coach, be sure to ask yourself the following questions:

How often do we meet? - Depending on your busy schedule, you might benefit from one-on-one sessions, weekly team meetings, or both. Find a coaching style that works for you.

Who is the coach accountable to? - Depending on the coach and their agreement with you, they may be accountable to you, to their firm, or to a third party.

What are our responsibilities? - Depending on the type of coaching you choose and the agreement between you and the coach, there may be certain responsibilities that fall solely on you, both squarely on you and on the coach as well.