About Me

My Running Journey

My name is Sherry and my running journey started when I signed up for the Winter 2016 CRC Walk & Run program.  I had never been a runner so I didn’t know what to expect.  I was 56 years old!  Who starts running at that age?!?!  

There were so many things that I didn’t know about running. Everything that I needed to know was explained and became obvious during my training for that first 5K.  With my training plan in hand I planned out my training runs and adhered closely to the plan.  When it said run 1 mile,  that is exactly what I did.  When it said rest, that is what I did.  

Accompanying me during every run was this little voice in my head that kept telling me that I wasn’t a runner and who did I think I was kidding!  I ignored that voice and kept running.  The morning of the race in April 2016 I was very nervous but also excited. 

I’ll never forget the feelings when I rounded that last corner and saw the finish line.  Crossing that finish line meant so much more to me than just finishing my first 5k race.  I had signed up for the training. I had made a commitment to myself to do the training.  I did the training.  And I reached my goal of finishing my first 5k.   The entire process was completely under my control and I did it!

Of course, the next thought was … what next?  I wanted to continue running but I was finished with my training plan.  How far and when do I run now?  Coach Lisa had a suggestion…train for the Columbus Half Marathon!  After laughing and saying no way, I started training for my first half marathon.  

One full marathon, twenty-five half marathons and many other distances later, I’m still running!  

And it all started with the simple commitment to train and run my first 5K!

2016 - First 5k Race!

Choo Choo 5K

2016 - First Half Marathon

Nationwide Children's
Columbus Half Marathon

2019 - First Marathon

Nationwide Children's
Columbus Marathon

Things I learned while training for my first 5k