Data Analytics Learning Challenge 2020

Hong Kong


To promote data analytics education to educational institutions and spark students' interest in data analytics.


Duration of Event

The Co-op Data Analytics Learning Challenge 2020 (The Challenge) lasts until 20 April 2020.

Selected Data Analytics Learning Platform

We have chosen Google Analytics Academy as the learning platform for students to explore data analytics learning for the Challenge. Students could enrol into the below listed free courses offered by Google Analytics Academy to accomplish the Challenge.

Selected Courses for the Challenge

The three courses are offered by Google Analytics Academy for free. Students would receive online certificates from Google Analytics Academy upon courses completion. 

Google Analytics for Beginners

Introduction to Data Studio

Advanced Google Analytics


All awards would be presented in the form of online certificates to Individual Students and Educational Institutions. The award-winners would be announced and listed in our website within a week after the end of the Challenge. Awards will be granted to Individual Students and Educational Institutions that could meet the following criteria:

Individual Student

Data Analytics Learning Challenge Gold Award
Data Analytics Learning Challenge Silver Award
Data Analytics Learning Challenge Bronze Award

Educational Institution

*For example, in a secondary school, there are five classes (Class) in Secondary One (Form). *For example, in a degree-awarding higher education institution, there are ten programmes (Programme) in the Faculty of Business (Faculty). 
Sample Certificate: Data Analytics Leader Award

Sample Certificate: Data Analytics Leader Award

Sample Certificate: Data Analytics Pioneer Award

Sample Certificate: Data Analytics Pioneer Award

Application Fee

Verification Fee (For Individual Student Enrolment)

 Our service is to confirm students' completion of the courses through verification of their online certificates offered by Google Analytics Academy. Awards would be granted to students who have completed the course(s).  

Set-up Fee (For Educational Institution Enrolment)

Our service is to set up online classroom(s) for educational institutions to help them track their students' learning progress towards the completion of the selected free courses offered by Google Analytics Academy. The online classrooms would be open for students' access during the Challenge period. Awards would be granted to educational institutions according to their scale of enrolment. 

*For example, in a primary school, there are four classes (Class) in Primary Five (Form). 
*For example, in a secondary school, there are five classes (Class) in Secondary One (Form). 
*For example, in a post-secondary institution, there are ten programmes (Programme) in the Faculty of Business (Faculty). 
*For example, in a degree-awarding higher education institution, there are ten programmes (Programme) in the Faculty of Business (Faculty). 

Please note that under the Educational Institution Enrolment, participating students would not be granted Awards for Individual Student as there is no verification process involved. Individual students who wish to join the challenge on their own behalf should separately apply under Individual Student Enrolment and pay the Verification Fee accordingly.

Settlement of Payment

Please click into the appropriate link below to settle the payment (Verification Fee/ Set-up Fee) .

Individual Student - Verification Fee

Educational Institution - Set-up Fee