Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us today and become an Affiliate Dojo!

It's free!*

What services do you provide?

Services we bring to your dojo are:

What are the benefits to my dojo?

We hope that by adding a Kodokan Judo program, you and your students can...

What do I need to do?

Nothing. Just get in touch!
We do, however, ask that you allow other judoka to join practice, who are CNY Judo affiliate members, subject to the rules of your dojo of course.

Is it really free?

Yes, unlike many of the "grow your dojo" schemes and "consultants" out there, our business is not to profit from you nor your students. However, if we do send an instructor to your location and teach, the instructor may ask for a small compensation amount. They are, after all, donating their time and have traveling cost!

So how do we make money then?

That is a good question ;-)
CNY Judo is a very young organization and currently entirely paid for by the Executive Board. We all donate our time to the cause and so far, our cost are moderate. So we have no need to charge*. However, eventually, we'd like to charge for special services such as technique seminars, etc.

Who are your instructors?

Right now, we have these instructors, many of which are also the leaders and founders of the organization. We'd like to grow our instructor list! Tell us who your Sensei is.

I already have instructors who do  Judo. What now?

Outstanding! If you'd like to join our network of judoka in Central New York, drop us a line! We'll register you as an affiliate and add your instructors to our list

* Event or Instructor fees may apply.