Central New York Chapter of the
American Association of German Teachers
President: Patrick Schultz, SUNY Oswego
Vice President: Kevin Quinn, Mexico Central Schools
Secretary: Cheyenne Trudell, Mexico Central Schools
National German Exam Testing Chair: Kate Stewart
Treasurer: Kate Stewart, Fayetteville-Manlius Schools
Membership Coordinator: Isabel Avens, Cornell University
Webmaster: Kevin Quinn, Mexico Central Schools
Useful Links:
The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at Syracuse University is seeking a Part-Time Instructor to teach (2) 4-credit sections of German II (GER 102) in the Spring 2025 semester, which begins January 6, 2025 (appointment begins on January 13, 2025). Offer is contingent upon sufficient enrollment.
Master’s Degree in German and native or near-native fluency required. Experience in university-level instruction preferred.
In addition to completing an online application, please attach a curriculum vitae/resume, cover letter, list of names of three references, unofficial transcripts, and diversity statement at www.sujobopps.com. Women and minorities are urged to apply. Syracuse University is an AA/EO employer.
Bei Fragen können sich Interessierte gern an Dr. Mona Eikel-Piohen wenden: meikelpo@syr.edu
Next Meeting: Saturday, March 29th, 2025, 10am to 1pm
Please join us for our next CNY AATG Chapter Meeting. All are welcome!
Danke und bis dann!
Location: Layfette Public Library Community Room
LaFayette Public Library
2577 U.S. Route 11
LaFayette, NY 13084
Herbstreffen, 14. September, 2024
On Saturday, September 14th, we hosted our Fall Meeting at the LaFayette Public Library. Presentations by Patrick Schultz of SUNY Oswego and Kevin Quinn of Mexico High School on "Selling" German and Resources for Program Growth, as well as some time to collaborate with other local German teachers.
German-American Partnership Programs
in CNY High Schools 2024:
Mexico High School GAPP:
12 students and 2 teachers from Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany visited Mexico, NY as a part of their GAPP Exchange. The group was here for 3 weeks in October and attended classes with their host siblings at Mexico High School, as well as traveled to SUNY Oswego, Syracuse University, Skaneateles, and Niagara Falls!
First School Bus Ride!
Welcome at the Syracuse Bus Station!
Welcome at Mexico High School!
Trip to Niagara Falls!
Gute Nachrichten!
2023-2024 School Year
AATG/PAAD Travel Scholarship to Germany
Fayetteville-Manlius High School
Congratulations to Elliot McDaniel of Fayetteville-Manlius High School for receiving the AATG/PAAD Travel Scholarship to Germany for this Summer!
Elliot is one of 37 students in the US who was chosen after qualifying by getting over a 90% on the National German Exam. He had to write an essay in German and fill out a lengthy application, endure an interview in German with the Central New York Chapter Committee for the AATG scholarship, as well as take an an approximately 2 hour long online exam to prove his superior language skills.
Elliot travels this summer for 3 weeks, will live with a host family and will visit Berlin, all expenses paid.
Gratulation, Elliot!
German-American Society Scholarship Winners
Fayetteville-Manlius High School
Mexico High School
Congratulations to Ainsley Bigelow of Mexico High School and Jack Keeney of Fayetteville-Manlius High School for earning the 2024 German-American Society of Central New York's annual German Student Scholarships!
NYS Seal of Biliteracy
Mexico High School
Congratulations to Sarah Marsden*, Ainsley Bigelow, Ashley Bennett, Hayden Combs, Dakota DeFalco, Wyatt Hancock, and Rosina Hawkins** (not pictured) of Mexico High School for successfully earning the New York State Seal of Biliteracy. In order to achieve this honor, one must demonstrate proficiency of at least Intermediate High in both German and English to a panel of judges.
*Sarah acheieved the Seal of Biliteracy as a Junior this year and will be formally awarded the Seal next year.
**Rosina acheieved the Seal of Biliteracy as a Junior last year and was formally awarded the Seal this year.
GRATULIERE, Richard Ernst!
Richard Ernst, FM National Board Certified French, German, and Spanish teacher and 2017 recipient of the NYSAFLT Ruth Wasley Teacher of the Year Award, is retiring after a monumental 47 years of classroom teaching.
So many lives has he touched. His colleagues at FM will miss him deeply, but we are excited for him to embrace new adventures and take time to treat himself. His next chapter includes international travels, and he has many willing travel companions awaiting his call.
Frühlingstreffen, 4. Mai, 2024
Binghamton University
This spring, we met at Binghamton University and were visited by the Österreichische Kulturforum New York, where they informed us about opportunities for us and our students who want to learn more about Austria in the classroom, as well as what they offer in New York City. Afterwards, we had a collaborative discussion on our experience with AI, as well as the pros and cons of AI. We also tried out a few different AI sites, such as ChatGPT, Diffit, and Sonu.
Herbsttreffen 2023
New President Mike Kaefer presented with Vice President Kevin Quinn’s assistance an overview of the benefits of running a German Club in either the college or secondary level of German instruction. Members added suggestions and were given interactive examples of icebreaker German Club activities. Members were challenged to create the tallest tower using toothpicks and Gummibärchen.
Mike then made Spätzle while Julie Mugavero gave instruction in Fenstersterne as a German Club activity. Lunch was Mike's Spätzle!
Two hard working German teachers.
CNY AATG members attempt to create the tallest Gummibärchen tower.
Winners were richly rewarded.
Our next CNY AATG Meeting will be May 4, 2024 at Vestal High School at 10:00.

German Club in High School & College Presentation - great ideas!
Gute Nachrichten 2023:
Tucker Donath, Mexico High School, Elizabeth Conklin, Baker High School, Alexa von Holtz, Mexico High School, Ruthie Taber and Clara Leak, Fayetteville-Manlius High School
The Central New York German American Society Awards 5 Scholarships to graduating senior High School German Students
April 24, 2023
At the annual Student Night, graduating seniors who study German were celebrated by the German American Society. Prior to the awards, students were entertained with traditional German music and then dined with their families and other members of the CNY GAS. Participation in the Webertanz was also required. These five students received scholarships of $1000 for their hard work in the German language and culture; applicants had to affirm that they plan on continuing with German in their college careers. Students gave speeches of gratitude in both German and English.
German-American Partnership Programs
in CNY High Schools 2023:
Mexico High School GAPP:
This February, 14 students from Mexico High School embarked on their first post-Covid GAPP exchange. The group was led by chaperones Kevin Quinn, Mona Goble, and Shannon Bigelow. They stayed in Schneverdingen, Germany with host families for 10 days, attended class at the KGS Schneverdingen, and then traveled to Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Oberammergau, Neuschwanstein, and drove through the Alps.
Plattsburgh High School GAPP:
German teacher Jessica Klimkiewicz successfully pulled off their first post-Covid German Exchange with 6 German students from Rastede (Niedersachsen) visiting in the Fall, and 5 high-school, 2 middle-school & 2 elementary-school students visiting Rastede in the Spring. These schools have been running this exchange program for over 30 years!
Vestal GAPP:
The school year began with German students visiting Vestal in the fall and staying with VHS students. In the sprisng, it was the VHS students' turn! Here's more from VHS German Teacher Michael Kaefer...
"The trip was part of the German American Partnership Program sponsored by the US and German governments. A total of 23 students went on the exchange, and we traveled from April 7 - 24. We visited our partners in Ingolstadt, Germany, in Bavaria. Students toured the cities of Munich, Nuremberg, Bonn, Cologne, Dachau, and the castle Neuschwanstein. The students really loved being with their partners and the food in Germany. A lot of students tried the Döner Kebab, which is a German specialty. That is something we learn in German class, and students were also fascinated at how different soda was in Germany! The students also enjoyed separate activities on the weekends with their host families, like visiting a water park or a neighboring city.
Fayetteville-Manlius receives Awards for 2023 National German Exam
Wellwood 8th Grade German:
front: Connor Cuddy, Leif Brokhoff, Allen Hale, Claire Carguelo, Anna Arthur, Ashton Barfknecht
Eagle Hill 8th grade German:
Dalton Hack, Lillian VanWormer, Caitlin Burke, Margaret Vincent
German 2:
Hiro Havey, Michael Edsell, Neil Adamski, Aaron Graham, Emily Chen, Alice Zhu, Lily Zhou
German 2:
Surin Bong, William Carboni, Hudson Brenner
German 3:
Cullen Vredenburgh, Andrew Hoehner, Rayhan Rinzan, Ritvik Mehta, Eliott McDaniel, Devin Hack
German 3:
Nicholas Prince, Isabel Christen, Anthony Prince
German 4 Pre AP:
Declan Woolridge, Charlotte Kaufmann, Conall Burke, Gilly Davies, Jack Keeney
AP German:
Aiden Lee, Hannah Kaercher, Erik Koshnicharski, Ruthie Taber and Clara Leak
Spring 2023: Syracuse University
Creative Writing Book Schreiben Schrieb Geschrieben III
Students in GER 102, GER 202, and GER 300 wrote Schreiben Schrieb Geschrieben III and published it with a Deutsch macht Spaß Grant on amazon.com. Winners at each level were Eloise Mitzerik and Griffin Palmer (GER 102), Theo Schmidt (GER 202), and Lukas Morse (GER 300).
Lukas Morse, graduated from Syracuse University as Best German Major. Sarah Dolbier graduated with the Gerlinde Ulm Sanford Award 2023 for engagement and creation of community.
Sarah Dolbier, Dr. Mona Eikel-Pohen, Dr. Karina von Tippelskirch, Lukas Morse
(photo credit Katie Clinton)
Undergrad Research Turning into Action: Stolperstein für Otto Heimann/Bob Hyman, June 5, 2023, Bochum-Langendreer, Germany
Courtney Conte, German minor, presented her research about Otto Heimann/Bob Hyman to the Bochumer Stadtarchiv in January 2023 and to the wider community at Syracuse University in April 2023. The Stolperstein for Otto Heimann was laid on June 5, 2023 in Bochum-Langendreer, Germany by Gunter Demnig after a commemoration celebration that was based on Courtney's work, prepared by a school class in Bochum that she worked with, and attended by Bob Hyman's Canadian family members
Courtney Conte presenting her research in Syracuse
Stolperstein for Otto Heimann/Bob Hyman in Bochum-Langendreer placed between those for his parents, Max and Meta Heimann
Gunter Demnig laying the stone on June 5, 2023 in Bochum-Langendreer
(photo credits Veyzel Hezer)
Three German Program students from Syracuse University win Fulbright Teaching Assistant Scholarship 2023/24
Four students from the Syracuse University German program won the prestigious Fulbright scholarship as teaching assistants. Three of them, Sarah Dolbier, Ruth Xing, and L.B. will spend a year in Germany. One student, Nish C., was selected to go to Madrid, Spain. Dr. Mona Eikel-Pohen received the Center for Fellowship and Scholarship Advising Mentor of the Year 2023 award.
Nish C., Sarah Dolbier, Dr. Mona Eikel-Pohen, Ruth Xing, Courtney Conte (photo credit Melissa Welshans)
1.4.2023, Cornell University
Isabel Choinowski, PhD candidate in German Studies, Cornell University, presented the workshop:
Integrating Discussions on Decolonization and Anti-Racism in Beginning Level German
Isabel's outstanding, thought provacating and interactive workshop offered ways to integrate discussions on decolonization and anti-racism in beginner German classes. We discussed collaborative tasks implemented in her first-semester German course that highlight current decolonization efforts, anti-racist activism, and social movements. While engaging students with authentic materials and media, the tasks aim at broadening perspectives on the complex, internal diversity of German-speaking societies. All tasks are easily adaptable to other levels and educational settings. Isabel kindly shared her presentation with videos linked and handouts and her folder is linked below.
Following the workshop, a business meeting included the induction of new CNY AATG President, Mike Kaefer and the election of new CNY AATG Vice President, Kevin Quinn. Presenter Isabel Choinowski also volunteered to take on the role of CNY AATG Membership Chair. Thank you to all new officers for their service to the German Programs in the region!
Herbst Treffen 17.9.22

Presented by President Dr. Mona Eikel-Pohen, CNY AATG members were given via a Zoom meeting excellent classroom strategies for teaching pronunciation. Mona has spent intensive time learning about voice acting and best classroom practices for pronunciation. Her presentation involved ways to warm up the vocal chords, how best to teach the pronunciation of German consonants, vowels, diphthongs, as well as the most challenging words for non-native speakers of German. She will present this to the national AATG. Instructors came away with strategies and ideas that can be put to use on Monday!
Gute Nachrichten 2022!
In April, five local German students won scholarships of $800 from the Central New York German American Society. These scholarships were given based on students' commitment to continue to study German in college, acceptance to college for the fall of 2022, as well as overall grades and application letters. Students gave short speeches in both English and German thanking the CNY G.A.S.
Fayetteville-Manlius: Mexico : Onondaga Central:
Jame Hoehner Carolyn Zedack Nicholas Toomey
Lucas Gascon Lauren Salisbury
News from SUNY Oswego's German Program:
SUNY Oswego graduate, Michelle DiBlasio, who spent last academic year in Austria on a Fulbright will stay another year in Austria teaching English in a school near Vienna. Upon return to the USA next year, Michelle plans to teach German in a high school in New York state.
Fayetteville-Manlius German Student Elise Spignardo wins a 3 week study trip to Austria from the Goethe Institute
Elise will soon be heading to the Austrian Alps following FM High school German classes' participation in the annual awards contest sponsored by the Goethe Institut. The contest is open to all middle and high school students who are enrolled in a German program in the United States, Mexico or Canada, and requires that participants complete and submit an online quiz after watching a designated film. Traditionally, the quiz features 11 questions, 10 of which are multiple choice and focus on the film’s topic. The test concludes with a short-answer question, which usually draws upon students’ German knowledge and is unrelated to the video.
Elise achieved the 2022 Award of Excellence scholarship by receiving a perfect score on the quiz. The scholarship covers travel fares, accommodations (with full-time supervision), meals, day trips, a recreation program membership and enrollment in medical and accident insurance.
Seal of Biliteracy
Three German students from Mexico CS and two from Fayetteville Manlius achieved the Seal of Biliteracy in the spring of this year.
Mexico Central School's Kevin Quinn, Tyler Warner, Carolyn Zedack, and Ryan Liedka and teacher Mona Goble.
FM AP German Students Elia and Giulio Poncia
FM Students win medals in the 2022 National German Exam
Fayetteville-Manlius High School German students won:
5 gold, 9 silver and 3 bronze medals.
At the middle Schools, Wellwood won 2 Silver, 1 Bronze and Eagle Hill students won 4 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze.
Eagle Hill Middle school German students
Wellwood Middle school German students
CNY AATG Frühlingstreffen: 9. März, 2022
CNY AATG members welcomed presenter, Cynthia Chalupa, Professor at West Virginia University, Chapter President of the West Virginia AATG, AATG National Exam Advisory Board Member and AP German Language and Culture Development Committee, to our meeting. Dr. Chalupa convincingly presented the benefits of the NGE and its alignment with the AP German Exam. Her slide show and handout are attached in this post.
Post secondary teachers met in a break-out room to discuss current teaching struggles and advocacy strategies as our programs continue to be threatened.

Herbst Treffen: 18. September, 2021
Check in for survival of teaching during the pandemic:
Members discussed the current challenges of masking - difficulty hearing and being heard, inability to see lips.
Challenges faced this year:
Many discussed the fact that there is a lot of review needed for all students this year, as teaching per zoom or the hybrid model prevented the usual progress with regard to grammar and speaking.
The dwindling numbers of students in both secondary and post-secondary teaching was discussed, as well as the lack of participation in CNY AATG meetings. Currently SUNY Oswego’s German program is threatened. Ana informed us of her decision to retire at the end of the next semester, and pointed out that the university has not yet posted a job opening for her position. Many of our current CNY AATG teachers (4) are graduates of this program and it was thought that perhaps they in particular could advocate for the German program. Ana will speak to leaders at SUNY Oswego to inquire about the possibility of tapping into that group of pertinent stakeholders
Members described what they use in their own classrooms and how. The google doc that had been sent out earlier to members was shared in the chat again and members shared the benefits of going bookless as well as which text upper level instructors prefer.
CNY AATG 2021 Erfolge:
27. Mai, 2021
Fayetteville-Manlius High School, Wellwood and Eagle Hill Middle Schools had multiple winners of Gold, Silver and Bronze medals in the National German Exams this year:
Level 2 FM HS
Level 1 FM EH
Level 4 FMHS
Level 1 FM WW
CNY AATG Frühlingstreffen 2021
13 March 10:00
Frau Alston vom Goethe-Institut New York leitete einen Workshop zum Thema Phonetik- und Aussprachetraining.
Elena Alston studierte an der Universität Tübingen Deutsch und Englisch auf Lehramt und unterrichtete dort nach ihrem Abschluss für die Abteilung Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Seit 2016 lebt sie in den USA und ist am Goethe-Institut New York tätig. Neben dem Unterricht auf allen Niveaustufen, liegt der Fokus ihrer Arbeit im Bereich der Fortbildung des Kollegiums, sowie der Ausbildung neuer Lehrkräfte.
In unserem Workshop ginen wir der Frage nach, wie Phonetik- und Aussprachetraining in einen handlungsorientierten Fremdsprachenunterricht integriert werden kann. Wir schauten hierfür auf aktuelle Ansätze und überlegen, wie sich diese in unserem eigenen Unterricht umsetzen lassen. Das Ziel des Workshops war es, gemeinsam Ideen zu entwickeln, die schon in der nächsten Unterrichtseinheit als gelungenes Phonetik- und Aussprachetraining eingesetzt werden könnten.

CNY AATG Herbst 2020 Treffen
26. September 10:00 via Zoom
Angelika Krämer, PhD from the Learning Resource Center at Cornell University
Online/Hybrid teaching the World Language Classroom
Angelika Krämer presented on online language learning after a summer of collaboration withcolleagues from Columbia University and Yale, She provided CNY AATG members the highlights of the course for us in a short talk, followed by breakout sessions where we had a chance to discuss our current "new normal" teaching experiences, successes and failures, and tech apps.
Her slide show is linked below.
AATG Meeting Online über Zoom 18. April 2020 10-11 Uhr
The Online Switch: Issues, Chances, Teachable Moments
Anwesende: Rosmary Morewedge, Harald Zils, Kate Stewart, Kristin Dodds, Kevin Quinn, Petra Hannig-Eisenberger, Patrick Schulz, Ana Djukic-Cocks, Mona Eikel-Pohen, Ajkuna Hoppe (Goethe-Institut)
Below are handouts from the Goethe Institut to help teachers with online resource during the COVID-19 Pandemic.