
Upcoming events

Mirror Meditation

Apr. 17th, Milstein LL018, 7PM-8PM

Join the CNS on Wednesday, April 17th in the Milstein Center Room LL018 for a free Mirror Meditation workshop with Professor Tara Well. Professor Well is a motivational psychologist, research scientist, and a yoga and meditation practitioner. She developed Mirror Meditation based in the neuroscience of mirroring and research on empathy on empathy, self-compassion, and emotional resilience. Tea and snacks will be served!

Follow our facebook page for timely updates on upcoming events!

Past events

Brain Awareness Week

Mar. 27th, Low Plaza, 11:30PM-3PM

Come to our biggest event of the spring, Brain Awareness Week, which celebrates neuroscience and current research in fun ways! There will be free "brain foods" to boost your mind, free Columbia Neuroscience Society tshirts, a brain bank (with real brains!!), Neurohacking kits to play with, Neurojeopordy and more!

celeBrain is co-sponsored by the Columbia Neuroscience Society and the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, with support from Columbia University Neuroscience Outreach and the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives.

The Nature of Thought

Feb. 22nd, Lerner Broadway Room, 8PM-9:30PM

Join the CNS for an engaging, interdisciplinary panel and discussion on the mind, cognition and language, followed by a Q&A. You will get a chance to meet and speak to academics actively working on understanding multiple facets of these questions.

Panelists will include:

Michael Shadlen, professor of neuroscience and Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Research Institute and member of both the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute and the Kavli Institute of Brain Science; Professor John Morrison, associate professor of philosophy at Barnard College, Columbia University and affiliate member of Columbia's Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Dr. Nora Isacoff, psycholinguist and member of psychology department at Columbia University and CUNY Brooklyn College, and Julia Kolak, PhD Candidate at CUNY Graduate Center, and a medical ethics fellow at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Refreshments will be included.

Neural Nets

Neural Nets is the new mentorship program the CNS is launching dedicated to providing students with a chance to build their network in the neuroscience community at Columbia. Students can apply to be a mentee or mentor (or both!) to give back and also learn from their fellow students.

If you are interested in participating, whether by helping students in any field, from pre-professional tracks to classes you recommend, sign up for the program by completing the forms below by Feburary 10th.

Neural Nets is an easy, low commitment way to get more involved on campus (not to mention the free food and drink CNS will provide for the mentorship events and meetings!)

Mentee Application:

Mentor Application:

CNS Self-Care Packages

Dec. 5th, Lerner Ramps, 12PM - 4PM

Finals are approaching, and we want you all to stay healthy and happy. Look for us at the Lerner Tables on Tuesday & Wednesday from 12pm-3pm to buy self-care packages for you or your friends for $2! All proceeds will go be going to the National Alliance on Mental Illness New York City Metro!

CNS Black Mirror Film Screening

Dec. 6th, Math Building 520, 7PM - 8:30PM

Stop by at the Math Building in room 520 on Thursday, December 6th to take a study break before finals and watch an episode of Black Mirror, followed by a discussion on the episode and its implications for neuroethics and related lines of inquiry. There will be snacks!

Mindfulness & Meditation

Dec. 10th, Lerner 555, 6PM - 7:30PM

Stressed about finals? Don’t fear, the CNS is here! Join us on Monday, December 10th in Lerner C555 from 6-7:30 PM for a Mindfulness and Meditation event with Ayman Mukerji Househam, a NYU researcher on the intersectionality of Neuroscience and Mindfulness and prominent meditation teacher. She has worked with renowned physician, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and recently gave a TED Talk on Mindfulness and Gut Microbes. Ayman will be leading a FREE meditation workshop and will show us how to get through finals and stress in lives for long-term mental benefits. Tea and snacks will be served!

13th Annual Research Opportunities Fair

Nov. 10th, Lerner Party Space, 2PM - 5PM

Come to the Columbia Neuroscience Society's 13th annual research opportunities fair! You will get a chance to meet a number of labs from different STEM related fields (not only neuroscience!) who are actively looking to recruit undergraduates. All are welcome from any major or level of experience. Don't miss out on the opportunity to meet the perfect lab for you.

Business casual attire and resumes suggested.

Neural Nets

Nov. 7th, Lerner Broadway Room, 7PM - 8PM

Come join us on Wednesday November 7th in the Broadway Room of Lerner Hall from 7-8PM to meet with upperclassmen and get answers to your questions about the Neuroscience and Behavior major, career avenues, research opportunities, summer funding programs, classes, professors, and more! There will be Momofuku Milk Bar Truffles and informed undergraduates in the Neuroscience and Behavior majors representing all 4 undergraduate schools.