Software Developers & Scientific Computation Experts

Brain: the final frontier. Our mission: to answer the ultimate question "How does the mind arise from the network of neurons?" We are looking for software developers & scientific computation experts who will join the quest.

Research Challenges:

  • Analyze electron and light microscopic brain images and experiment data to map the neurons and their circuits
  • Develop an automated brain image analysis system using artificial intelligence and other computational techniques
  • Build a computation platform for analyzing and sharing petabytes of brain data
  • Study the brain map to mathematically and computationally understand neural circuits and their activity

Minimum Requirements:

  • B.S. in computer, science, technology, engineering, math or a related field
  • One or more native programming language with good knowledge of algorithms and data structures

More Experience, Extra Credits:

  • Web/desktop application or service development, GUI programming, data visualization, 3D graphics
  • Image processing, computer vision, artificial intelligence, deep learning
  • Scientific computation, numerical analysis, biological data analysis, large data processing
  • Parallel/distributed computing and storage, cloud computing, Linux system administration

Various types and tiers of positions are available depending on your expertise level and professional interest. Please inquire for the availability at the time of your application: post-doc, post-master, graduate student, undergraduate intern, alternative military service option, etc.

If you are interested, email your CV and a code sample (github repo is welcome) that can show your programming proficiency to jinseop.s.kim at skku.edu