Multi-disciplinary approaches
to quantify and model calcium signaling
in nervous systems and beyond
Online Workshop, CNS*2020 Meeting
July 21, 2020; 9.30am -- 5pm (Berlin Time, CET)
July 22, 2020; 10am -- 5.30pm (Berlin Time, CET)
Pengxing Cao, University of Melbourne, Australia
Maurizio De Pittà, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain
Ivo Siekmann, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Watch the recorded talks:
Day 1/Morning Session. Ragajopal, Tilunaite, Semyanov, Brazhe, Savtchenko.
Day 1/Afternoon Session. Friedrich, Schultz, Aljadeff, Graupner.
Day 2/Morning Session. Sneyd, Means, Skupin, Thul, Falcke, Siekmann, Cao.
Day 2/Afternoon Session. Ullah, Giovannucci, Ponce Dawson, Cresswell-Clay, Agarwal.
Talk Abstracts (by speaker's name in alphabetical order)
Amit Agarwal, Heidelberg University, Germany
Decoding cytosolic and mitochondrial calcium dynamics in astrocytes
Johnatan Aljadeff, University of California at San Diego, USA
Synaptic plasticity rules with physiological calcium levels
Alexey Brazhe, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Patterns of astrocytic Ca2+ activity: from imaging to modeling and back
Pengxing Cao, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Australia
Modelling inositol trisphosphate receptor-mediated calcium oscillations
Silvina Ponce Dawson, Department of Physics, FCEN-UBA & IFIBA, CONICET-UBA, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Calcium release through IP3 receptors equips cells with a fast way to reprogram intracellular calcium signals
Evan Cresswell-Clay* and Maurizio De Pittà, *National Institute of Health, USA and the Basque Center of Applied Mathematics, Spain
Exploring the origin of spatiotemporal patterns of glial calcium by a compartmental model of astrocytic physiology
Martin Falcke, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin, Germany
Modelling concepts for IP3-induced Ca2+ signaling
Johannes Friedrich, Simons Foundation, USA
Online methods for real-time analysis of calcium imaging data
Andrea Giovannucci, UNC Chapel Hill/North Carolina State University, USA
Enabling real-time brain-machine interfaces via tensor-based computing
Shawn Means, School of Natural and Computer Sciences, Massey University, New Zealand
Calcium signaling in cellular space
Vijai Rajagopal, University of Melbourne, AUS
Elucidating the role of cell architecture and its remodeling in maintain a healthy heartbeat using high-resolution 3D computational models
Leonid Savtchenko & Dimitri Rusakov, Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK
Cloud-based parallel computing of cellular dynamics in a realistic model of astroglia
Alexey Semyanov, Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Spatiotemporal properties of Ca2+ activity in single astrocytes and astrocytic networks
Ivo Siekmann, Department of Applied Mathematics, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Statistical analysis and data-driven modeling of type 1 and type 2 IP3 receptors
Alexander Skupin, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Calcium: a mediator between metabolism and cell fate
Ghanim Ullah, University of South Florida, USA
Analyzing and modeling the kinetics and evolution of Ca2+-permeable β amyloid pores associated with Alzheimer’s disease
Agne Tilūnaitė, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, Australia
Inositol trisphosphate receptors can increase calcium spark activity in cardiomyocyte dyads without altering signal shape
Ruediger Thul, The University of Nottingham, UK
Antipodes of calcium signalling: subcellular microdomains and whole cell calcium spikes