Extend CNQ Membership Now

  1. Extend your CNQ Membership for just $17.45 (your membership will be extended for another 60 days from the original expiry date). Payment can be made either by doing a PayPal transfer of US$17.45 to cnqholdings@gmail.com or by clicking on the PayPal payment link/button below. With PayPal, all major credit/debit cards are accepted including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Unionpay, PayPal balance and more.

Click Here to Make Payment by PayPal (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal Balance & more)

If paying by credit card, do note that our merchant name will appear in your credit card statement as 'CNQ Holdings'.

2. After payment, remember to return to the 'Extend CNQ membership' page to enter your PayPal email address and submit the form.

Do contact us if you have any questions.

CNQ Holdings (MS. Qing)