YITP International Molecule-type Workshop

Revisiting cosmological non-linearities 

in the era of precision surveys 

Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

2023/07/13 - 07/28


Thanks to the development of observational techniques, we are now observing/soon will observe the non-linearity of cosmological perturbations via ongoing and future cosmological surveys such as SPHEREx, EUCLID, Roman, and SKA. The origin of the non-linear nature of cosmological perturbations is twofold. One is the primordial non-linearities generated during cosmic inflation right after the birth of the universe. The other is developed during the gravitational evolution after cosmic inflation due to the intrinsic non-linearity of gravity. Thus, non-linearities are a useful tool to test the physics of both the early and late universe and the nature of gravitational interactions.


The aim of this international molecule workshop is, facing observational progress, to promote stimulating and intensive discussions among the experts on the theoretical perspectives on non-linearities and to initiate possible collaborations. We plan to, in addition to the core participants, invite a few key researchers with expertise in the subjects mentioned above broadly from the world. During the workshop, we plan to organize a couple of informal seminars a day and an international mini-conference that accommodates participants with wider backgrounds.



Please contact Atsushi NARUKO < naruko {AT} yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp >

Seminar speakers

Chiara Caprini (CERN / Geneva)

Cristiano Germani (ICC Barcelona)

Xian Gao (Sun Yat-Sen)

Donghui Jeong (Pennsylvania State)

Tsutomu Kobayashi (Rikkyo)

Sachiko Kuroyanagi (IFT Madrid / Nagoya)

Kaloian Lozanov (IPMU)

Maria Mylova (Ewha)

Enrico Pajer (Cambridge)

Gonzalo Palma (University of Chile)

Shi Pi (ITP-CAS)

Sebastian Renaux-Petel (IAP)

Spyros Sypsas (Chulalongkorn)

Yuichiro Tada (Nagoya)

Gianmassimo Tasinato (Swansea / Bologna)

Yingli Zhang (Tongji)