
Becoming a Student Leader

College is known for it's campus life, the opportunity to explore new things, and meet new people. At CNC, we are proud to say that creating a positive student experience is one of our goals. This would not be possible without members like you who are interested in putting in the work to make attending CNC a better experience for everyone.

Our organization was founded on the back of students wanting things to be better. This is why we are always proud to recruit new students to join one of our two student leadership programs. We currently offer our Volunteers Program, which gives students the opportunity to work publicly at one of our events or campaigns. We also are proud to announce our Members-at-Large Program - a students' first step into a leadership role. Members-at-Large are students who are assigned a role within our organization to use their voice and their talents for the betterment of students. These are both volunteer positions, but we intend on making it worthwhile for our members with rewards such as letters of reference and the opportunities for valuable experiences you wouldn't otherwise have at CNC!

Become a Volunteer

Student Volunteers are a crucial part of our plans going into events and campaigns throughout the year. Becoming a student volunteer means that you want to help improve the college and create an atmosphere that people will remember after they are done.

Whether it's being a food server at events, or tabling for one of out important campaigns, you are sure to be active in the student community.

Depending on the amount of hours put into volunteering with us, you may be eligible for swag, letters of reference and more rewards for using your time to help students' at CNC.