Clinical Neuromuscular Adaptation Laboratory

Welcome to the Clinical Neuromuscular Adaptation Laboratory (CNAlab) in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)!

The long-term goal of the CNAlab is to address the question of "How can we improve reduced motor function in older adults and in individuals with central nervous system injuries?" To address this long-term question, we focus on three key areas:

(1) Investigating neuromuscular mechanisms of motor impairments;

(2) Developing non-invasive, more practical techniques for an objective assessment of neuromuscular properties and of functional movements; and

(3) Establishing neuromuscular adaptation to sensorimotor stimulations.

Ultimately, our discoveries will provide fundamental knowledge that will be helpful for researchers/clinicians to quantify neuromuscular properties and motor impairments in a more practical manner and to design more effective rehabilitation interventions in clinical practice that can prevent the development of motor impairments and help them improve motor function and thus quality of life.


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Department of Biomedical Engineering, Newark College of Engineering

New Jersey Institute of Technology

University Heights, Newark, New Jersey 07102, United States

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