Quantum Condensed Matter Theory (QCMT) Group

Welcome to the homepage of the QCMT group in the Department of Physics at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India.

Prediction of nonlinear valley Hall effect (Ref. Paper to be submited, Prof. Amit Agarwal)

Spontaneous development of loop-supercurrent order in a superconducting ground state (Ref. New J. Physics. 23, 083018 (2021), Prof. Sudeep K. Ghosh)

Electron-hole liquid phase in 2D materials (Ref. To appear in 2D Materials, Prof. Amit Agarwal)

Off-diagonal contribution of renormalized phonons to lattice thermal conductivity (Ref. npj Computational Materials 7, 5 (2021), Prof. Koushik Pal)

Condensed matter physics tries to understand phenomena where many constituent degrees of freedom interact to create different phases having unique collective behaviours. For example, while it may be easy to think of a single carbon atom -- why a bunch of carbon atoms when placed together behave as a transparent hard diamond, or grey shiny graphite is a different question. Such phenomena can become even more exotic when the constituent objects are governed by the probabilistic laws of quantum mechanics, e. g. superconductors, magnets, spin-liquids and many more. 

The members of the QCMT group in the Department of Physics at IIT Kanpur are involved in theoretical investigations of various facets of emergent phenomena in Quantum Condensed Matter. IIT Kanpur hosts an inhouse research team of faculty members, postdocs and PhD students; a strong presence of masters and undergraduate research; engaging international collaborations and a visitor's programme. We are in the picturesque campus of IIT Kanpur within the Physics department with colleagues in various specialities of both theoretical and experimental research. 

Please see the Members page for further details on the research interests of the QCMT group.