Chromebook Tips & Tricks

Chromebook Shortcuts


Ctrl + C Copy

Ctrl + V Paste

Ctrl + shift + V Paste as plain text

Ctrl + A Select all

Ctrl + search + > Go to end of document

Ctrl + search + Z Undo your last action

Alt + search Turn caps lock on and off

Ctrl + shift + < Go the beginning of the document


Ctrl + Shift + L: Lock’s the CB screen

Ctrl + Shift + Q: Log out of CB

Alt + [: Dock a window to the left

Alt + ] Dock a window to the right

Ctrl + Window Screenshot saved to downloads folder

Ctrl + Shift + Window Screenshot part of the screen

Shift + esc Launch the task manager

Ctrl + shift and + Zoom in

Ctrl + shift and - Zoom out

Ctrl + shift and ) Reset to default scale

Ctrl + shift + refresh Rotate screen 90 degrees

Ctrl + Alt + ? Open keyboard shortcuts on your screen

Alt + = Maximize window

Alt + - Minimize window

Ctrl + Alt + ꜜ Go to the bottom of the page

Ctrl + Alt + ꜛ Go to the top of the page

Ctrl + shift + t Opens closed tabs, just keep going until you get to the tab you want.

Ctrl + H Opens history

Ctrl + F Find something on a page

Ctrl + search + M Magnify and de-magnify your screen