Gross Motor Activities

 “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way”  ― Martin Luther King Jr. 

Balloon Bop

A fun activity to try with the whole family to work on a variety of motor skills! 

Dandelion Counting Race

Fun way to race while counting and picking up dandelions. 

Balance Challenge

A balance activity that challenges kids to maintain their balance on one foot.  

Gross Motor Bingo

Play bingo while participating in various gross motor activities!

Bean Bag Toss 

Make learning super fun while playing a bean bag toss on the stairs!

Ball Game Activities

Creative ideas to work on gross motor activities with a ball. 

Alphabet Hopscotch

Alphabet Hopscotch is a simple, outdoor, gross motor activity that is excellent for teaching kids the alphabet in a fun, unconventional way!

The Best Games for Kids in Wheelchairs

Check out some of our favorite games for kids in wheelchairs! These ideas are perfect for promoting activity and engagement! 

Ball Activities

Motor coordination activities using a ball!

Ideas to Work on Ball Skills.pdf

Balance and Color Identification

Use construction paper in different colors or post-it notes and simply write the color word (or any word) on it.

Ball Activity Using the Wall

A fun and different way to use a ball when working on motor skills!  Can you roll the ball up and down the wall while lying on your back?

Bean Bag Balance Game 

Are you looking for a fun game that also promotes balance? Give this a try! 

Spelling Hop

An engaging and active way to work on gross motor skills while practicing spelling words or letter recognition! 

ZENworks Yoga

An online yoga platform with videos that are 5 minutes or less. You can choose activities based on your student's mood!

Indoor Activities

Wondering what to do if you’re stuck inside with your kids all day? Our huge list of active indoor activities will keep your kids — from toddlers to teens — busy and burning energy! 

 Note: Some include balloons. Please use caution: balloons can contain latex, which is a common allergen. If your child has a latex allergy, do not allow your child to play with latex-containing balloons. 

 If you have a question as to whether an activity is appropriate for your child, please contact your child’s physical therapist. This is not intended to be or replace medical advice.