CMC1 - Speakers



Pavel Kroupa (Univ. of Bonn, Germany)

Invited opening talk: Current problems of ΛCDM on small scales: open star clusters and the absence of halo dynamical friction


Abstract: There are two aspects to the ongoing cosmological paradigm shift: one the one had side one can readily show that dark matter does not exist using tenvts based on Chandrasekhar dynamical friction and other tests. What does not exist cannot be found and that is why dark matter has not been found. On the other hand side, one can test a different gravitational framework for consistency with data and predictions of new phenomena hitherto not known. This has been done using Milgromian gravitation (MOND) with the greatest of success. One such prediction is that the leading tail of an open star cluster needs to have more stars in it than its trailing tail. This has been found to be the case for the nearest open cluster, the Hyades. The newtonian prediction of equal numbers is ruled out by more than 6 sigma confidence. Thus, the observational data compellingly inform us that cold, fuzzy or warm dark matter does not exist, and that MOND describes the observed systems stunningly well.



Elena Asencio (Univ. of Bonn, Germany)

Title: Current problems of ΛCDM on large scales: El gordo galaxy cluster and the KBC void


Abstract: The main successes of the ΛCDM paradigm are commonly understood to be on explaining the large scale phenomena of the Universe. However the discovery of supermassive galaxy clusters like El Gordo at high redshift, as well as the presence of underdense regions of several Mpc of diameter, are already challenging the validity of this model in the large scale domain. These observations suggest that structure formation took place at a more efficient rate than expected from the standard model. While some of the most promising alternatives to LCDM (e.g. MOND) do not yet have a established cosmological framework, the boost to Newtonian gravity assumed in these models is also expected to enhance the formation of structures. It is therefore possible that a paradigm shift could be the solution to alleviate these tensions.



Saddam Leonardo Kap (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)

TitleModifying the standard ΛCDM: Non-minimal coupling between the dark matter and k-essence scalar field


Abstract: The ΛCDM model stands out as the most successful framework in describing a multitude of phenomena in the universe at the largest scale. Precise alignment with observations from the cosmic microwave background and supernovae solidifies its credibility. However, as we delve into measuring fundamental constants, such as the Hubble constant, using these observations, a noteworthy discrepancy in values surfaces, prompting an exploration beyond the concordance model of cosmology. Despite its success, ΛCDM is not exempt from inherent challenges involving fine-tuning and cosmological coincidence. To address these issues, one avenue of exploration involves investigating non-gravitational interactions between dark sectors. In this talk, I will delve into the study of non-gravitational interaction between dark matter and a scalar field based on the action principle.



Robert Monjo (Complutense Univ. of Madrid, Spain)

TitleBeyond the standard model: From coasting cosmology to MOND-like gravities


Abstract: Current problems like the "Hubble tension" and the "impossible early galaxies" (z > 10) reinforce the need for reviewing the standard cosmology. Alternative models can be derived from pure geometrical techniques by employing dynamical embedding into the 5-dim Minkowskian spacetime. The most simple cases are the coasting universes, with linear expansion (hypercone), which are inherited from the 5-dim Minkowskian spacetime since observer frames are comoving to the inertial expansion. A remarkable feature of the hyperconical model is that reference transformation leads to a radial inhomogeneity assimilable (i.e. projected) to an apparent acceleration with MOND-like behaviour, thus it predicts apparent "dark magnitudes" of energy and matter. As a result, the model fits better to the observations than the standard model and it explains current problems such as the Hubble tension, dark energy origin, galaxy dynamics and evolution, among others.



Moncy John (Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India)

TitleNuances of coasting cosmologies


Abstract: Beginning with the fundamentals of FRW cosmologies, we present salient features of coasting cosmological models. Various  formulations of coasting models, including the classic Milne model, are reviewed. The absence of  cosmological problems in the eternal coasting model' is explained in detail. Some of these  problems are not solvable in the presently popular ΛCDM model, even with the widely speculated cosmic inflation'.  The much publicised  `accelerated expansion of the present universe' is argued to be arising from a  model-dependent analysis of SNe data. A model-independent analysis of the same SNe Ia data, which ascribes substantial probability to the deceleration parameter q0 = 0  is discussed. The recent observations of early bright galaxies with JWST requires that galaxy formation has taken place much earlier than expected in the ΛCDM model. Some such objects at reshifts z=10.4^{+0.4}{-0.5} and z=12.4^{+0.1}{-0.3} appear to be  over a million solar masses  and might have built-up their masses in only t < 300 400$ Myr after the Big Bang. This is quite  unexpected as per  the current understanding of galaxy formation.  On the other hand, in the eternal coasting model, even a universe at redshift z = 12 has ample time (~1070 Myrs) for galaxy formation, which suggests that in the early universe too, data support the eternal coasting model, when compared to the ΛCDM model.



Kyu-Hyun Chae (Sejong University, South Korea)

Invited talkObservational evidence for MOND-type gravity from Gaia observations of wide binary stars​


Abstract: I consider three methods to test gravity at low acceleration with wide binary stars observed by the Gaia satellite. They are the "acceleration plane", the "stacked velocity profile", and the "normalized velocity profile" methods. All three methods show consistently and conclusively that standard gravity breaks down at acceleration lower than 1 nano meter per second squared and the deviation is in promising agreement with MOND-type modified gravity. 



Viktor T. Toth (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo Canada) 

Invited talkFrom stellar systems to the CMB: MOG across 15+ orders of magnitude


Abstract: MOG, John Moffat's modified theory of gravity, has its roots in Einstein's attempt to explore a nonsymmetric theory as a means to unify gravitation with classical electromagnetism. Moffat chose a different route: his NGT, nonsymmetric gravitational theory, introduced an additional antisymmetric contribution to gravitation itself. NGT ran into difficulties, but the concept prevailed: Today, Moffat's STVG (Scalar-Tensor-Vector Gravity), also known by the acronym MOG, is a classical Lagrangian theory of gravitation that extends general relativity with a vector and a scalar field. The result is stronger gravity augmented with a repulsive Yukawa-type force that cancels out the non-Newtonian part at shorter ranges, with a field strength and range that are mass scale dependent, unlike the well-known MOND paradigm which is acceleration scale dependent. MOG works well on all scales: It predicts Newtonian behavior on the scale of solar systems or stellar clusters, accurately predicts galaxy rotation curves, and provides cosmological predictions consistent with the Lambda-CDM model. Challenges include finding more robust solutions of the theory's complex field equations, and obtaining reliable post-Newtonian predictions for precision solar system tests.



Mária Pálfi (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary) 

Invited talk: Constraints on coasting cosmologies from gravitational-wave standard sirens

Video: Available soon

Abstract: Gravitational wave signals from compact binary coalescences directly measure the luminosity distance of the source without the need for distance calibrators, which makes them standard sirens. With redshift information obtained by identifying host galaxies or a set of possible host galaxies, we can constrain the present-day rate of expansion (the Hubble constant). We adapt this method for coasting cosmological models and infer the Hubble constant with three fixed values of the curvature parameter (-1, 0, +1). Our constraints are consistent within one sigma with the Hubble constant determined for coasting cosmologies independently from the curvature parameter using the differential age method. The coasting models and the ΛCDM model fit equally well to the applied set of gravitational wave data.

For more details, please see our folder with all the talks

Discussion panel - Send your proposed questions: (Deadline: January 10th)