Unit 9 Quiz Review

Use the following scenario for questions 1 and 2:

Suppose we wanted to investigate the linear relationship between the number of yearly absences to a certain class and the final grade in the class.  

We take a random sample of 24 students from the class (there are over 300 students in the class total).  From our sample, we obtain the least squares regression equation of: 

predicted final grade = -2.4(number of absences) + 99

We also use our sample to calculate the standard error for the slopes (our approximation to the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of slopes) to be 1.5.

1) If we were to test for evidence that there is a true linear relationship between number of absences and final grade, we would test Ho: The true slope = 0  vs. Ha: The true slope is not 0.

What is the test statistic (t) and the p-value for this test?

Initialize the values of 't' and 'p' below.

2) If we were to construct a 90% confidence interval for the true slope, what are the endpoints of the confidence interval.

Initialize 'lower' and 'upper' below that represent the endpoints of the interval.