Call for Papers

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: 9th March 21st March 2022 (11:59PM Pacific Time).

  • Notification to authors: 28th March 10th April 2022.

  • Camera ready deadline: 8th April 20th April 2022.


We will be awarding this thrilling best paper award, announced in our closing remarks:

  • Best paper award*: [The exact amount may be subject to changes since we are still defining them.]

    • $1000 (sponsored by ServiceNow)**

    • $500 (sponsored by MATRIX)

    • 1 GPU (sponsored by NVIDIA)

**Only Ph.D. students are eligible to participate. Government officials, public sector officials, and employees of entities who do business in the Public Sector are not eligible to participate. ServiceNow reserves the right not to make the award if the recipient turns out to be a government official, public sector official, or individual who does business in the public sector.

Topics Covered

We are interested in everything that is related to Continual Learning. Topics of the papers include but are not limited to:

  • Lifelong / Continual / Incremental / Online learning

  • Few-shot learning & Transfer learning

  • Benchmarks, Scenarios, evaluation protocols and metrics

  • Applications and use-cases of Continual Learning

  • Bio-inspired learning (memory, synaptic plasticity, and the like)

  • Curiosity

  • Multitask learning

Presentation Guidelines

All accepted papers will be presented as posters. Two papers will be selected as oral. The guidelines for the posters are the same as at the main conference.

Submission Guidelines

  • We accept submissions of max 8 pages (excluding references) on Continual Learning and related topics. We encourage authors to submit 4 page works. Only accepted papers with 4 to max 8 pages can be added to the proceedings on acceptance (see below).

  • Submitted manuscript should follow the CVPR 2022 paper template.

  • We accept dual submissions to CVPR 2022 and CLVISION 2022, but the manuscript must contain substantial original contents not submitted to any other conference, workshop or journal

  • Submissions will be rejected without review if they:

    • contain more than 8 pages (excluding references)

    • violate the double-blind policy or violate the dual-submission policy

  • The accepted papers will be linked at the workshop webpage and also in the main conference proceedings if the authors agree (this option is valid only for full-length (4 to 8 pages) papers not published at CVPR 2022)

    • Accepted papers can only be added in the proceedings if these papers are full papers of four or more pages (max 8 pages) --extended abstracts cannot be added to the proceedings. (This is due to the archival nature of papers on IEEE Xplore.)

  • Papers will be peer reviewed under double-blind policy, and must be submitted online through the CMT submission system.


  • Will the papers be listed in the proceedings?

CMT lets you choose if you want your paper to be listed when you submit.

  • Do you accept already-published papers?

We accept dual submissions to CVPR 2022 and CLVISION 2022, but the manuscript must contain substantial original contents not submitted to any other conference, workshop or journal.

  • Is there a page limit?

Any number of pages is accepted as long as it is less or equal than 8.
If you indicate you want the paper to be added in the proceedings on acceptance, at least 4 pages are required (no extended abstracts).

  • Is supplementary material allowed?

  • Would papers submitted as "non-archival" in CMT qualify for best paper awards and oral presentations?

Yes, on submitting the paper, you can indicate with whether you want the paper to be included in the proceedings or not. Your choice does not influence your chance of getting a best paper award or oral presentation. All accepted works will be presented through poster/oral presentations and all accepted works are eligible for the awards.

  • Can I submit my paper as "archival" in CMT, and post-reviews, convert it into a "non-archival" one?

No. The choice has to be made prior to the reviewing process, on submission of the paper.
Extended abstracts or papers with less than 4 pages cannot be added to the proceedings (automatically non-archival).