A view from Italy

on galaxy clusters & groups

in the 21st century

Bologna, 20-23 September 2022

Aula Giorgio Prodi, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2

Following the previous meetings CLUSTER1 (Torino, 2017) and CLUSTER2 (Napoli, 2018), the Italian community interested and working on galaxy clusters & groups organizes its 3rd national meeting to gather together, share ideas, and discuss common projects.

We expect to cover a large variety of topics with the following goals:

  • to map ongoing research activities on galaxy clusters & groups, both as cosmological probes and astrophysical laboratories, and studied through theoretical models, numerical simulations, multi-band observations;

  • to share ideas on the fundamental questions that these research activities aim at solving, and we feel more urgent;

  • to get an overview of how the Italian community is involved in major international collaborations.

The talks should focus on the role of the Italian community involved in the science with galaxy clusters & groups, as part of national projects as well as international ones. Abstracts aiming to present the current status and the latest results on "local" projects (possibly in an aggregated form from each research group), and the research activity of Italian groups involved in international collaborations are welcome.

The meeting format will also include some round-tables for open discussion on the key questions that can be addressed in the near future on/with galaxy clusters & groups.

SOC: Bonafede (Uni-Bo), Covone (Uni-Na), De Grandi (INAF-OA-Brera), De Lucia (INAF-OA-Ts), Ettori (INAF-OAS-Bo), Gastaldello (INAF-IASF-Mi), Girardi (Uni-Ts), Govoni (INAF-OA-Ca), Massaro (Uni-To), Mazzotta (Uni-TOV-Rm), Meneghetti (INAF-OAS-Bo), Mercurio (INAF-OA-Na), Radovich (INAF-OA-Pd), Rasia (INAF-OA-Ts), Tozzi (INAF-OA-Fi), Vulcani (INAF-OA-Pd)

LOC: Bonafede, Ettori, Meneghetti, et al.


### PROGRAM (15 +5 min talk)

Tuesday, 20th September

14:00-14:10 Welcome

### galaxies/AGN; chair: B. Vulcani

14:10-14:30 M. Brienza "Old AGN bubbles and filaments in galaxy groups/clusters"

14:30-14:50 E. Giunchi "HST imaging of star-forming clumps in jellyfish galaxies"

14:50-15:10 H. Edler "The LOFAR Virgo Cluster Survey"

15:10-15:30 F. Gastaldello "A closer look at galaxy groups with X-GAP"

15:30-15:50 A. Werle "The evolution of galaxies in the centers of intermediate redshift clusters"

15:50-16:10 V. Strazzullo "Galaxy populations in the first massive clusters"

16:10-16:30 COFFEE BREAKs

### core; chair: M. Girardi

16:30-16:50 G. Castignani "Environmental processing for distant brightest cluster galaxies"

16:50-17:10 I. Marini "A dynamical perspective on simulated galaxy clusters"

17:10-17:30 S. Molendi "The Evolving Cluster Cores: Putting together the Pieces of the Puzzle"

17:30-17:50 P. Bergamini "A new generation of high-precision strong lensing models of galaxy clusters: applications in the JWST era"

17:50-18:10 G. Peluso "Exploring the AGN-Ram pressure stripping connection in local clusters"

18:10-18:30 G. Angora "Deep learning based search for galaxy-galaxy strong lenses in galaxy clusters"

Wednesday, 21st September

### global/ICM; chair: A. Bonafede

09:30-09:50 R. Cassano "Unveiling the evolution of cluster non-thermal components through LOFAR observations of large cluster samples"

09:50-10:10 V. Cuciti "Radio Megahalos in galaxy clusters"

10:10-10:30 F. Loi "Polarization results of the MeerKAT Fornax Survey"

10:30-10:50 A. Ignesti "A LOFAR perspective on ram pressure stripping and galaxy evolution in galaxy clusters"

10:50-11:30 COFFEE BREAKs

### global/ICM; chair: M. Radovich

11:30-11:50 M. Rossetti "Temperature profiles of the CHEX-MATE sample"

11:50-12:10 G. Campitiello "X-ray morphology of the CHEX-MATE sample"

12:10-12:30 I. Bartalucci "CHEX-MATE: the properties of surface brightness profile of a representative galaxy cluster sample"

12:30-14:30 LUNCH (provided by the sponsor)

### global/ICM; chair: A. Mercurio

14:30-14:50 S. Ghizzardi "Iron in X-COP: Tracing the enrichment history with metal abundances in cluster outskirts"

14:50-15:10 G. Di Gennaro "Exploring the evolution of magnetic fields in merging galaxy clusters"

15:10-15:30 M. Balboni "Radio-X-ray study of CHEX-MATE radio halo clusters"

15:30-15:50 A. Biviano "The pseudo phase-space density profiles of clusters of galaxies"

15:50-16:20 COFFEE BREAKs

### global/ICM; chair: P. Mazzotta

16:20-16:40 H. Bourdin "CHEX-MATE: X-ray absorption and molecular content of the Interstellar Medium toward galaxy clusters"

16:40-17:00 F. Oppizzi "Pressure profiles of distant galaxy clusters as seen by SPT and Planck"

17:00-17:20 L. Di Mascolo "SZ view on the earliest phase of cluster evolution"

17:20-17:40 S. Borgani "Precision simulations for Euclid cluster cosmology"

17:40-18:40 ROUND TABLE/DISCUSSION 1: opportunities/criticalities (confirmed contributions from: L. Di Mascolo, A. Ignesti, C. Riseley, M. Rossetti)

19:00-night Social Spritz (provided by the sponsor)

Thursday, 22nd September

9:00-14:00 *free morning*

### outskirts; chair: F. Govoni

14:00-14:20 F. De Gasperin "Clusters at high definition: the MeerKAT view of the diffuse radio sources in Abell 3667"

14:20-14:40 A. Botteon "Very large scale diffuse radio emission from (and outside) galaxy clusters"

14:40-15:00 G. Pignataro "Large-scale radio emission in clusters filaments: the case of the A399-A401 pair"

15:00-15:20 V. Missaglia "Investigating the large-scale environment of wide-angle tailed radio galaxies in the local Universe"

15:20-15:40 M. Angelinelli "Matter clumps and filaments in galaxy clusters' outskirt: tracers of baryon physics in unobserved regions" (remote)

15:40-16:00 M. Bianconi "LoCuSS: The splashback radius of massive galaxy clusters and its dependence on cluster merger history"

16:00-16:30 COFFEE BREAKs

### outskirts; chair: P. Tozzi

16:30-16:50 S. Andreon "The presently emerging population of low surface brightness clusters"

16:50-17:10 N. Malavasi "Analysis of constrained simulations of the Coma cluster and of its surrounding cosmic web"

17:10-17:30 F. Vazza "New simulations of the injection and reacceleration of relativistic electrons in cosmic structures"

17:30-18:30 ROUND TABLE/DISCUSSION 2: opportunities/criticalities (confirmed contributions from: M. Costanzi, F. Marulli, B. Sartoris, F. Vazza; C. Gheller on PNRR)

Friday, 23rd September

### LSS/cosmo; chair: P. Tozzi

09:30-09:50 O. Cucciati "Observed and simulated galaxy protoclusters"

09:50-10:10 M. Lepore "Detailed analysis of the Spiderweb proto-ICM"

10:10-10:30 F. De Luca "X-ray and millimeter inferences of galaxy cluster pressure profiles and cosmology"

10:30-10:50 A. Ragagnin "Galaxies in the central regions of simulated galaxy clusters are in tension with observations"

10:50 11:10 A. Acebron "Time-delay cosmography with cluster strong lensing"

11:10-11:40 COFFEE BREAKs

### LSS/cosmo; chair: C. Giocoli

11:40-12:00 B. Sartoris "Road to Euclid: the HSC cluster catalogue"

12:00-12:20 M. Costanzi "Cosmology with optically selected clusters"

12:20-12:40 G. Lesci "Cosmological constraints from galaxy cluster statistics in KiDS" (remote)

12:40-13:00 F. Marulli "Cluster Clustering Cosmology: new constraints on the cosmic growth rate from redshift-space clustering anisotropies"


13:30: LUNCH (provided by the sponsor)


CLUSTER3 will take place at Aula Giorgio Prodi, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2 (Bologna), 7 minutes walking from Garisenda and Asinelli Towers


Please fill the form here

No registration fee.


Several hotels and B&B are available in the city center.

We recommend booking your accommodation at the earliest possible time.


May 6: registration opens

June 30: abstract submission deadline