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Choco bread


500g strong bread flour

§  pinch of salt

§  7g (1 packet) of quick action yeast

§  3 tablespoons of vegetable or sunflower oil

§  300 ml warm water

§  tablespoon of sugar

§  milk Chocolate chips 100g

§  white chocolate chips 50g

§  Chocolate syrup 50ml


1.  Add the warm water, yeast, salt and sugar in a bowl and stir – wait until it bubbles.

2.  Put the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix.

3.  Make a well in the center of the bowl

4.  Add in the vegetable oil and the water/yeast/sugar/salt wet mix

5.  Mix with a spoon until a dough is formed

6.  Turn out the dough on a lightly floured surface

7.  Knead for 5 - 10 minutes until smooth

8.  Put into a light oiled bowl

9.   cover with cling film.

10. Leave in a warm place for around an hour until doubled in size

11. Knock back the dough (lightly punch the dough)

12. Add Chocolate chips   

13. Knead for a further 5 minutes until stretchy and passes the window test.

14. Shape the dough into loaf, then leave to prove again for further 30 minutes.

15. Decorate if you wish

16. Preheat the oven to 180C

17. Cook 15 - 20 minutes for shaped rolls or 20 - 30 minutes for loaves

18. Test to see if cooked by tapping the bottom with your knuckle - hollow sound = cooked

19. Leave to cool and enjoy