
Important Announcement

CMCO extension to the 6th December 2020

As the government has announced an extension of the CMCO, our Clubs and Societies will be conducting most of our events online. So stay tuned for updates!

(Announcement made on: 9/11/2020, Monday, 7.13 am)

EXTENSION of Online Registration date for Clubs & Societies to the 8th May 2020

Our Registration forms will be available to receive applications until the 8th May 2020 upon extension.

(Announcement made on: 27/4/2020, Monday, 3.13 pm)

Final Registration date for Clubs & Societies on the 30th April 2020

Our Registration forms will be available to receive applications until the 30th April 2020 until further notice.

Any extension of the date will be informed accordingly via Facebook and Website Announcement.

(Announcement made on: 23/4/2020, Thursday, 4.31 pm)

Cancellation of Clubs and Societies Carnival (April) 2020

Due to the sudden rise of Covid-19 outbreak and Movement Control Order (MCO), the Management has decided to

CANCEL the Clubs and Societies Carnival in April 2020. We hope to resume this event in August 2020.

In the meantime, stay vigilant, take care of your personal hygiene, wash your hands frequently and stay at home.


(Announcement made on: 30/3/2020, Monday, 3.00 pm)

Information will be provided online

Due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) as enforced by our Malaysian Government starting from the

18th March 2020 to the 14th April 2020, ALL student activities are ceased for the time being. Therefore, our

Management will provide the students with essential information with regards to Clubs & Societies as well as

Student Leader Bodies on our website and Facebook pages.

(Announcement made on: 30/3/2020, Monday, 3.00 pm)