Chabot-Las Positas Sustainability Training

Welcome to the CLPCCD Sustainability Training! 

This training is different from other trainings that you may have completed. For example, if you have completed safety training or conflict resolution training, it is easy to see the effects of poor safety and unresolved conflicts. However, for sustainability and climate resilience, the consequences of inaction are often harder to conceptualize. Despite this, lead climate scientists around the world all agree that climate change caused by human activities (also called anthropogenic climate change) is happening now. Global temperatures are increasing, sea levels are rising, mass extinctions are occurring, and more intense weather phenomena are becoming more common. The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is real. This training is designed to help you learn the science behind climate change, Chabot-Las Positas Community College District’s (CLPCCD) efforts to make its campuses more sustainable, and how you can cultivate behavior change at CLPCCD and in your community.

In the path to becoming more sustainable, CLPCCD believes that climate literacy is necessary. Factual knowledge is imperative in order to cultivate behavior change and advance sustainability practices on campus. This training is meant to empower and inform you so that you can better understand the part we all play in making CLPCCD and our communities more climate resilient.

Eric Heltzel, an English professor at Chabot, asked students to record videos sharing their fears surrounding climate change and urging the college to take immediate action. Please take a few moments to watch the video before continuing through the module.