If you don't already know me, I'm Cloudy, a android Vtuber who doesn't hide the fact they do things like tarot readings! In fact, that's what this page is for. I've decided to start giving out readings for whatever the asker wants me to ask.
Now, I don't really like taking money for things like this; I'm sure you've heard of "psychics" charging large amounts for their readings. The prices will actually be more for the analysis than the reading itself, as those do take a lot of time and energy with how I go about it. I'm rather flexible on most of this too, just ask if you're not sure about something!
There's a lot that divination can tell a person, I've even used it to write characters before, but there's always plenty of misconceptions I've noticed people have about it. So, here's a general idea of what I can do with it verses what I can't.
Can Do:
Aid reflecting on your own thoughts
Help you make a choice
Point out things you might not initially notice about someone/yourself
Show you possible resolutions to a situation
Offer general guidance / advice
Can't Do:
Predict death (so no, 'Death' card does not mean you die soon)
Harm others
Identify your ''''soulmate''''
Predict the future (in an absolute sense anyway)
Most anything else you see in pop culture (a lot of it is inaccurate tbh)
*Won't Do:
yes/no questions
medical/legal questions
time-sensitive questions
questions about/to spiritual entities (though I have my doubts they'll come up anyway)
* Anything not mentioned will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Remember, this is ultimately a tool to help people though guidance and interpretation, not a means of telling you the secrets of the universe! Thus, you are 110% free to give your own thoughts on the result of your reading - in fact, I encourage it!
I actually have quite a few decks to choose from, some more 'typical' and others more fun. Just let me know which deck you want when you fill out the form, as each deck has it's own unique "personality" for lack of a better word - the choice is actually quite important, so go with your gut instincts!
This is actually my first, and main, divination deck! I've used it since I was a teenager, so readings done with this deck will take the least amount of time to analyze. It's best for guidance and reflection, based on my own experiences.
For the most part, I try to keep these fairly cheap. Most of the cost will actually come from the analysis I'll write up for you, so do keep that in mind! These are based in USD by default, but I'm flexible on them if you're not in the US~
3 cards ...................................................................................................................................... $5
5 cards ...................................................................................................................................... $8
7 cards .................................................................................................................................... $10
10 cards .................................................................................................................................. $15
13 cards .................................................................................................................................. $18
15 cards .................................................................................................................................. $21
17 cards .................................................................................................................................. $25
20 cards ................................................................................................................................... $30