Our Privacy Policy

Cloud Park always wants to make cool and exciting things for Android phones. Cloud Park is always focused on making sure that users are safe and protected in their environment. This privacy policy explains how Cloud Park keeps its users safe. We know how important it is to keep your information private. That's why Cloud Park will only use the information you give us.

*Consent: By using Cloud Park's apps, you hereby acknowledge and accept our Privacy Policy, agreeing to its terms and conditions.

This privacy policy explains what information we may collect, why we collect it, how we use it, and what choices you have regarding our products and data usage.

What kind of permission apps are required?

Location Permission: This permission enables the app to determine your current location, facilitating various functions, including:

Camera Permission: This permission allows the app to capture photos and record videos using your device's camera.

Microphone Permission: This permission allows the app to record audio using your device's microphone.

Storage: This permission grants the app access to your device's storage. By providing this permission, the app can read and write to your device's storage, including photos and videos. Apps may require access to your documents, photos, and videos to assist with tasks like editing or sharing them.

What kind of information can we collect?

When you use our apps, we might gather some specific information and details about the device you are using. The data we collect will not disclose who you are. Still, it may include details about the device you use, your IP address, advertisement ID, device name & model, preferred language, location, and other technical information. We collect this information to keep our app secure and working well. This information we collect also helps us analyze and report.

We use Google Analytics and Firebase Crashlytics for getting app usage and crash reports. When people use our apps, Google Analytics and Firebase crashlytics automatically gather information about people logging in and using the apps. This log data might contain details like device information, network information, locations, and settings information.

Our Apps may gather information about your location to help you navigate when using our GPS navigation apps. Some of our apps might need permission to use certain features on your phone, like storage and camera permissions.

Controlling Permissions

Upon app installation, you will be prompted to grant these permissions. You have the choice to accept or deny them. If you deny the permissions, the app won't be able to access your photos and videos. You can also adjust permissions for an app after installation. To do this, navigate to Settings > Apps & notifications > See all apps, select the app for which you want to modify permissions, and then adjust the permissions as necessary.

How is your information employed or utilized?

We use the information we gather from users of our apps for many different reasons. We collect information through apps to help users create an account and log in easily. We use the information you gave us from other companies to make it easier for you to create an account and log in. We put reviews on our app that might have personal details. If you want to remove your testimonial, get in touch with our support center.

We also collect information to ask for your feedback and to get in touch with you. The information is used to handle orders, payments, and exchanges made on apps. The information we collect from users helps us answer questions and respond to requests for information.

Who do we tell things to and when do we tell them?

We only tell others the information you let us. We always ask for your permission before we share any information. We may work with data when we get personal information. We only use your information when we need it to meet our business goals that are lawful. If we agree to work together, we might need your personal information to complete our agreement.

The information we collect from you may also be used to follow the rules and requests made by the government or for any legal processes. We might also share your information if we think it is needed to stop any dishonest behavior, do research, or take steps related to possible rule-breaking.

How long do we protect your information?

We will protect your information until we no longer need it. We will only store your information for as long as we need it for the reasons we explained in our privacy notices. When we don't need to keep your information safe anymore, we will make sure it stays secure until we finish deleting it.

How do we keep information secure?

We take steps to keep our clients' information safe using appropriate technology and organization. Our system is safe and stops information from getting lost or being used in the wrong way. Only authorized people can access it. However, it is important to understand that there is no guarantee of complete security. We do our best to keep your information safe, but no app, website, computer system, or wireless system is completely secure.

Do we get information from kids?

We don't gather information from kids who are under 13 years old. By using the app, we confirm that you are either at least 13 years old or you are a parent or guardian of children. If we find out that we have gotten information from someone who is underage, we will close the account and do what we can to get rid of any information we got from that person.

Third-Party Privacy Policies

Cloud Park Privacy Policy does not apply to any other advertisers or websites which means, we are advising you to read and consult the respective Privacy Policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information. By reading, you will get to know their practices and instructions about how to opt out of certain options.

Policy Changes

We may update this policy periodically, with the most recent version always available here.

Contact Us

Should you have any inquiries about this policy, please reach out to us at cloudparkstudio@gmail. com