I've had this same problem now for about two weeks. I can see the tracks on my iPhone, but they are greyed out. Every once in a great while, a couple of the songs become available after trying to update the library several times, but it used to take minutes at most to get everything updated and available to play on all my devices. I tried all the suggestions, and when I go into Safe Mode, it doesn't even seem to try to update anything. At least I don't see the message in the bottom left corner that says "Updating Cloud Music Library". Any other suggestions?

I rebooted the entire system. All my other devices work fine now. But iTunes still gets stuck on matching with the iTunes store. And it won't even recognize the command to update the library when it's in safe mode.

Cloud Music

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I'm having the same issue with Itunes and Icloud. It use to update extremely fast on my desktop, when I open up itunes on my laptop it was ready to download. now it's just greyed out, can't play the new songs. Need to find a quick fix soon. Depend on my music library to work on tour boats

Same problem with me in UK. Main issue seemed to be with new CD's I have added to library that showed but couldn't be found. Had the endless cloud music updating issue and greyed out tracks across my devices - for days and days. Then yesterday when I came home and checked again the new tracks were in my desktop Music/iTunes Match, and played ok. Still greyed out on devices though. I contacted Apple Support on Friday and was upscaled to a dedicated support guy. As library was stuck in updating he couldn't do much. Hopefully will be back in contact with him soon.

Have you selected all the songs with this issue and then "added them to the icloud"? I am having a similar issue. I was able to get almost all of my songs uploaded or matched doing this. Still having trouble with a few songs. Also getting an error message that says the song is no eligible for the icloud. Really weird because one album I got from iTunes!

to get the "Convert to MP3 Dialog" go to iTunes (in menu bar) > preferences. Under the general section, near the bottom (about 80% down) there is a button that says "Import Settings". Click that and then at the top there is a drop down box that says "import using:" and choose "MP3 Encoder." Then when you right click on a song you will have the option to convert to MP3. I hope this helps.

Also, I connected my computer directly (via ethernet) to my Airport Extreme (before, I had it connected to airport express that was connecting to my airport extreme, then distributing that internet through ethernet to my computer) and clicked on "update iCloud." All of my songs uploaded without a problem. weird

Try removing the tracks from iTunes and then re-adding them. Also try converting them to MP3, delete the other version in iTunes and then trying adding them to iCloud. A combination of this worked for me.

1. If I'm not mistaken, doing this will reduce the quality of those tracks. After all, you're converting a lossy file to another lossy file, so even if your new file is 320 kbps, you're inherently losing *some* degree of sound quality.

2. Many of these tracks are already in various playlists, so unless I want to remove all of them from those lists, I have to individually re-add the newly converted tracks to every list. There's an hour of my life that I'll never get back.

I had the same issue with custom radio mp3's not uploading to iCloud. My files were already MP3's so there was no need to convert to MP3. On a hunch, I converted them to AAC files then uploaded to iCloud. That worked. No errors.

I'm still stuck - maybe I'm missing something, but when I right click on the files that did not match, I do NOT see an option to convert them either to AAC or MP3 - I do see an option to convert to AIFF. However, when I do this, I get a message saying some files are protected and cannot be converted. I have about 400 files that did not match (reading other posts this seems like a magic number for the number of files not matching). Almost all of these - maybe all of them - were bought from i-tunes. So what gives? And I need some advice about converting them - what am I missing - I have looked carefully down the pop=up menu when I right click, but do not see options for MP3 or AAC as said, and then I am prevented from converting anyway. And the test file I'm working on is actually just one from an album in which other files matched without problem - and were bought from i-tunes....

Hi thanks very much for the tip - I've been trying it - sadly, although I now have the options, for ever format I try I get the same message - that a protected file cannot be converted - and this applies to all of the files that did not transfer and almost all of those are from i-tunes - shucks.

For the newest update you have to click the song that's not eligible (once) then click File in the top left corner > convert > create AAC Version. Once you have done that it should make a duplicate, delete the old one, and then you should have one compatible with ICloud Music Library. If it doesn't start uploading to your phone, you may have to right click the song and press add to ICloud music library (I'm going off memory but it should say something along those lines).

Right now the iCloud Music Library doesn't support songs with a bit rate of 96kbps or less. It is likely that the songs are already AAC type when you imported the CD or songs, but the bit rate is lower.

To check what version your songs currently are: Select one of the songs and right click it and select: Get Info. Then select the File tab. You will see the Kind and the Bit rate. If the Kind is AAC but the bit rate is lower than 128 kbps, then this is the problem.

Once you only have the one song each, you can optionally double-check the file type by right clicking one of them and select Get Info and under the File tab, you should now see: AAC as the Kind and bit rate as: 128 kbps

Thanks for this solution - it solved my problem. However I have one question, I'll try to explain it well. First off: I have an iPhone, an iTunes library and I just got Apple Music and have iCloud library turned on my iPhone and iTunes. So a bunch of songs vanished from my phone once I got Apple Music and now I figured out that the reason was they are all below 96 kbps. (And I know how to fix it thanks to you)

My question is - some of those songs are obscure remixes that may not be on Apple Music, but a lot of the songs are popular mainstream songs - shouldn't iCloud have "matched" them to better quality versions of the existing song from the iTunes Store as it supposedly does? Or does the song in question (e.g. Any of the tracks below 96 Kbps) have to be on the iCloud library in order for that to happen? Basically - once I use your solution and create AAC copies of these tracks and copy them onto my iCloud library and subsequently iPhone; will those tracks be "matched" with songs on the iTunes Store and replaced with better quality ones, or forever remain AAC 128 Kbps songs? I hope I could explain it well. Thanks a bunch!

Yeah, apart from the size restriction, they also have a duration restriction - they only allow tracks up to 2 hours. But I believe there is a workaround - I think if you classify the track in question as an audiobook, it works ? Hope it helps!

I have exactly the same problem. Even when creating a playlist with only music I got from Apple Music, I can't sync it to my phone. Very frustrating, and I hope it will be fixed soon, if there's no way around it right now. HELP!

I also have the same problem. I found there are tracks in the playlist that are "ineligible", which is preventing the upload of the entire playlist. I selected the playlist, and in the "My Music" section, I sorted all my tracks by "iCloud download" and found a few with a slash thru a cloud icon. Unfortunately I was not able to ascertain WHY those tracks are ineligible - I tried right clicking on the track and selecting "add to iCloud music" but after a short delay, ineligible status returned. I would like to know why certain tracks are ineligible and let's get that fixed.

As a work around, I simply created a duplicate playlist and named it "_____ iCloud", then deleted the ineligible tracks, and it uploaded to the iCloud library fine. So, some of my tracks aren't there, which is disappointing, but at least most of them are. This works as a temporary "fix" until Apple can figure out how to upload ineligible tracks!, 152ee80cbc

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