Mobility Applications

Sorting Activity: Where does it belong?

In the following Padlet, match the items with the correct column. Drag a couple of items into either the "Internet of Things" column or "The Cloud" column until as a group, we've sorted them all. Can you think of some additional items to add? If so, add a sticky!

Cloud Memory and Mobility

The Cloud and the Internet of Things (IoT) have enabled mass mobility.

Ubiquitous connection








The Cloud has been a democratizing tool for small companies that do not have enough and big companies that have too much. but has it been democratizing for individuals? Does it provide strengths and opportunities to individual users that exceed the challenges and threats? Mobile technology such as those shown above allows users to harness the cloud for applications with the listed goals and much, much more. Some are enjoyable, some are productivity-based, some are educational, and all of them rely upon access to cloud memory to function. 

Which Have You Used?

With so many Cloud Memory options available, and many more on the way, it can be disconcerting to feel unsure of the best course of action. Many of us feel this way when it is time to get a new cellular device and tie it to a new phone plan. With all the options, what is best?

The choice of mobile device often helps dictate which cloud one chooses to work with as devices are tailored towards particular sources, and often the cloud is provided by the same company that provided the mobile device. 

But when it comes time to make a choice from many options, it sometimes pays to note what choices our contacts have made in the past.

Please complete the following survey and indicate all of the cloud memory provides you have provided. As with the data in previous surveys on this site, Steve and Kirsten will seek to post the results to our Wordpress post later in the week.