Advice Column

On this page, you can find advice about any relevant Cloonan topics submitted straight from students of Cloonan!

Advice For Your Life! Homework Edition

"I have a friend who always cheats off of my tests. I want him to stop, but I am not sure how to get him to stop. I was thinking about telling the teacher, but I don’t want to rat out a friend. Can you help?"

- Unanimous

You should try telling your friend to stop cheating off of you and maybe put up a folder in between you and your friend. If they will not stop you should try to move your seat away from your friend.

Bullying Must Be Silenced!

By The CC Team

Bullying has been an issue all around the country and all over the world, so it’s time to make a change. Bullying doesn’t only affect the victims but also the bullies and everyone around them. Every year more and more kids become victims of bullying and more kids become bullies. Everyone wants bullying to stop but when the number of bullies grows the matter just gets worse.

Bullying is a problem that most schools have been trying to remove, but people continue to get bullied online and in school. If we take a stand against bullying together, we can make a huge difference.

Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place using electronic devices. Electronic technology includes cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat applications, and websites. Kids and teens often get bullied online on Facebook and Twitter.

Bullying can make students get distracted from school and make them not do well. Bullying sometimes leads to depression and makes people upset. Sometimes students even commit suicide because they are bullied.

Bullying in school should be stopped. Teachers, principals, and administrators should be aware that this is happening. Some parents think that bullying is a normal part of school but it’s really not.

Bystanders can do something to stop bullying. If they see bullying going on, they can support the victim or stop the bully. This might prevent a worse situation. However, bystanders might be afraid of getting involved in helping a victim because they think they could be the next victims.

We believe that we shouldn’t give up on stopping bullying and everyone should take a stand.