
About me

I'm a French postdoc at LANL. Born near Grenoble in the French Alps, I studied chemistry (MSc) in Chimie ParisTech and solid states physics (MSc) at Sorbonne University. In 2015, I worked on building infrared femtosecond light sources in the group of Takao Fuji in the Okazaki Institute for Molecular Science (Japan). I joined in 2016 the groups of Benoit Dubertret at ESPCI and of Emmanuel Lhuillier at Sorbonne University for my PhD, where I was interested in optoelectronics of nanocrystals with a focus on infrared applications. I defended in October 2019 and I am now a spectroscopist in the group of Victor Klimov at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.


  • Thermodynamics (TA, practical classes), freshman year (L1), Sorbonne University (2016)

  • Experimental physics (TA, practical classes), sophomore year (L2), Sorbonne University (2017-2018)

  • Physics for biologists (lectures), freshman year (IUT1 Genie biologique), IUT Senart-Fontainebleau UPEC (2019)

Grants and Awards

  • Best poster award, GRC Semiconductor Nanocrystals 2022, Les Diablerets, Switzerland

  • Best presentation award, MRS Meeting 2018 (NM12 symposium)

  • French Ministry of Higher Education and Research PhD scholarship (2016 - 3 years)

  • "Prix de l'Association" Chimie ParisTech Alumni award for graduating 1st (2016)

Looking up from the canyons at dusk

Black Mesa

Around Truchas peaks