To get to your clipboard history, press Windows logo key + V. From the clipboard history, you can paste and pin frequently used items by choosing an individual item from your clipboard menu. Pinning an item keeps it from being removed from the clipboard history to make room for new items.

To get to your clipboard history at any time, press Windows logo key  + V. From the clipboard history, you can paste and pin frequently used items by choosing an individual item from your clipboard menu. Pinning an item keeps it from being removed from the clipboard history to make room for new items.

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The clipboard manager with your included on-screen keyboard depends mainly on your Android phone version and brand. For example, the Samsung Keyboard features a clipboard manager tool as well. The keyboard is typically the primary way to access and manage your clipboard without an app.

To create a home screen shortcut on Android for a website, open the site in Chrome and tap the three dots > Add to Home screen. There's no need to copy the website address to the clipboard.

In Instagram comments, tap and hold, then tap Clipboard and choose the content from your clipboard. When posting Instagram Stories, tap the Aa icon, tap and hold the text entry box, then tap Clipboard.

Alfred's Snippets can be synced (along with most of your preferences) between your Macs, but Clipboard History is intentionally stored locally for data protection. For example, if you're copying important content at work all day, your employer would likely disapprove of this data being automatically synced to your home Mac.

If you need items to be synced to your home Mac, you can pop up Clipboard History, choose the item you want to save, and press Cmd + S. This will open up snippets and allow you to save it as a snippet into a collection of your choice. You can create a collection for these types of items that may not need a keyword for text expansion but are useful snippets of text you'll want to use later.

@Vero is there any chance of a preference being added to allow clipboard sync? I could probably hack something together by using Hazel to monitor Alfred's location and copy to somewhere shared but a preference would be a lot easier.....thanks.

Alfred's Snippets can be synced because this is a user instigated action. You can choose what to store as a snippet and you can decide to sync snippets. This means you won't accidentally copy your most valuable password into the cloud.

Thanks, gglick. The script works great, but now I'm facing the same problem activating the window. I thought that I might be able to create a loop macro with another activate clipboard history action, but I haven't yet found a way to make the window come to the front except by clicking it. I thought that it might possibly close instead of coming to the front, because that's what triggering the activate clipboard history action does otherwise if the window is open. Is there any way whatsoever to move that window from background to foreground other than to click it?

Alternatively, you might look into other clipboard history apps, like Copied. KM's is of course great, but I personally use Copied as my primary clipboard history manager, and it can be easily configured to stay open after a paste action.

I normally use my clipboard stack (video), but I sometimes need more robust clip flavor handling. I sometimes use an app called Clipboard History that I acquired for free a long time ago when the MAS was young.

Snippets are not expanding, and clipboard history is also not inserted (after selecting an item in the clipboard history pane, the clipboard is overwritten by that item [expected] but not inserted/typed [bug]). Thanks!

If you're still having any issues, please take a look at the troubleshooting guides linked from each of the Clipboard and Snippets links above, and provide more details as to what is and isn't working. I'll then be happy to help you further

@Vero Thanks! Sorry for being a bit unclear, I had clipboard/snippets working before in macOS 10.14 but now it's stopped working since I upgraded to the macOS 10.15/Catalina public beta 4. I do have all the permission enabled. Can this move back to bug issue even if it may be related to using a beta macOS? Thanks a lot!

I saw the same issue as moiraine, on Catalina (non-beta). Removing all Alfred permissions via system preferences, re-adding them, and restarting Alfred restored both snippet expansion and completion. Everything works as it did pre-Catalina

Same issue with Cmd-Option-C to get something from clipboard history. This seems to now only copy the item from clipboard history into the main clipboard and I have to use Cmd_V to actually paste into my applications.

As suggested to earlier users, try removing and re-adding Alfred in the permissions; When upgrading to Catalina, it seems some users' permissions become corrupted and macOS "forgets" the permissions. Re-granting permissions seems to have solved the issue for everyone.

Alfred 4 was working just fine on the other Mac but now, I'm having the same issue as above. I can see my clipboard history, I can hit return...nothing happens...but it is on the clipboard so I can command paste it. I've tried all different combinations of removing and adding permissions, restarting Alfred, the Mac. No avail.

With Windows 10 Clipboard history enabled I'm now seeing passwords in the Windows history - this is NOT GOOD.

This happens when I copy a password to the clipboard to paste into an application.

Surly there is a way to disable it from appearing in the history??

@mtissington: Thanks for getting in touch. I'm sorry for the confusion. With the Windows Clipboard History enabled, it's going to record all things you copy to the clipboard. If you don't want that to happen, I'd suggest disabling that feature in Windows. You can also not copy things there that you do not want to be exposed in that way. It's worth noting that regardless of Clipboard History, any app can access anything you copy to the clipboard, so you may want to avoid doing that whenever possible with sensitive information in general, not just specific to 1Password. Nothing can protect data there from malware or just badly behaved non-malicious apps. It's better to use 1Password's browser extension or "Type in window" to fill since that bypasses the clipboard entirely. And we're working with Microsoft to hopefully be able to implement an opt-out feature for Clipboard History, so that may help in the future as well, though I can't promise anything at this point.

Please pass the following link onto your developers - there is a fix for this - we have developed an app that also had to avoid the history - eventually we got a reply from Microsoft about how to do this :)

@mtissington: Indeed, it's something we've been working with Microsoft on, as we found in testing that it doesn't cover everything we need it to for 1Password. For example, the user can still manually copy without touching our code, so it would not be excluded from clipboard history in that case, so the user ends up with sensitive information in their clipboard history anyway. We're not willing to offer an "exclusion" feature unless we know that all 1Password users can count on it working for them all the time, so we'll continue to evaluate and hopefully have something in the future where 1Password can truly "opt-out". :)

We've already tried the same APIs you linked to, it's the first thing we tried and it did not work in all conditions; it may be because we're using WPF or something else in our .NET setup that prevents it from working. We haven't found a method that works consistently and that's why we're working with Microsoft on this. Another problem is copying text in any fields and pressing Control + C instead of clicking the field, which still shows up in the cloud + clipboard history. We are also looking into bypassing all of our front end and seeing if we can intercept this at the low levels to prevent it from being stored in the clipboard but this is a much bigger change that'll take a while.

Basically, we need a comprehensive API call that opts the entire 1Password process out (like how other clipboard managers does this by blacklisting certain apps), not setting the clipboard history option to 0 because that isn't enough. There must be a way to prevent anything from 1Password being stored in the history through any way that users copy from 1Password, not just "copy to clipboard" button.

If we were to say that 1Password doesn't use Microsoft's cloud + clipboard history by only working in one or two areas like "Copy" button, we would be misleading people when they do something specific that can actually end up in the cloud + clipboard history. Instead, we're informing customers not to use cloud + clipboard history with 1Password until Microsoft gives us an official method to fully opt out of cloud + clipboard history as a process call, not a clipboard-specific call.

Well, I for one would MUCH prefer to have a partial solution as you work towards a complete solution.

If I know that pressing Copy will bypass the clipboard history but pressing Control + C won't then I'll take that please.

@mtissington: We are not. You can disable clipboard history. It is opt-in -- disabled by default -- as far as I can tell. We do not have plans to offer a feature that says "exclude 1Password data from clipboard history" if it cannot actually do that, which is true at present. That's the reason. 152ee80cbc

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